Chapter 45

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       Tina stared drowsily at the ceiling. It had to be past midnight now, and she was still lying awake. She was incredibly tired, but sleep didn't seem willing to come and claim her. She sighed, and grabbed a fistful of her borrowed blanket from Newt and inhaled the scent, vainly hoping that it would help her sleep. The comforting and familiar smell soothed her, though it was somewhat faded now. 

       Tina leaned into the back of the couch and turned onto her side, curling up into a tight ball. She shut her eyes and tried to summon a wave of sleep to sweep her away, like the ebb and flow of the ocean. After a few minutes, she unconsciously fluttered open her eyes again, and a pit of frustration grew inside of her.

       As she was considering getting up to make some hot chocolate or even to take a walk, a startling and drawn out yell reverberated through the still night air. Tina tumbled off the couch in a tangle of limbs and blankets. Fear swept over her, as she was certain the sound had come from Newt. After all, there was nobody else in the apartment. 

       Unless he's being attacked! 

      Another yell echoed eerily through the house, and Tina stumbled to her feet, and snatched up her wand, which was lying on the table. She sprinted to Newt's bedroom as if she had wings attached to her ankles. 

       Not bothering to be stealthy, she slammed open his door with her wand raised, poised and ready to strike at the first sign of danger. Instead, she saw no one else in the room but Newt. A tiny trace of relief swept through her, to be chased away again when the Englishman let out another cry that sliced the air in two.

       Tina darted over to his bed, the worst of possibilities racing through her mind. Maybe he was having a heart attack, or a stroke, or suffering from unknown internal bleeding. Newt was writhing in his bed, his hands flailing blindly at an invisible enemy. He whimpered and shook his head furiously, his hair flying all over the place. He kept on mumbling something under her breath, repeating something that sounded like, "No, please, don't hurt her, hurt me instead, please no!"

       Tina realized that he was having a nightmare and sighed, grateful that nothing more threatening had been lurking in his room. She lowered herself quietly onto the edge of his bed and set down her wand on his weathered nightstand. Then, concern flooded into her. Hesitating for a split second, she reached out and gripped his shoulder, shaking him lightly but firmly.

       "Newt," she whisper-shouted. "Newt, wake up. You're dreaming, it's a nightmare!"

       Newt jerked and his eyes flashed open, the green orbs wild with fear. He stared at Tina as though she was a ghost, and screamed loudly and violently, "No, don't hurt her!"

       "Newt!" Tina cried. "You're awake, it's over. It was just a dream."

       Newt continued to stare blankly at her like she didn't exist. He seemed to be frozen to the spot, rooted the the ground by a force that only he could see. Finally, he blinked and reached out slowly to stroke her cheek.

       "You're real," he breathed. "You're alive..."

       "What are you talking about?" Tina asked sharply, baffled and frightened. "Of course I'm alive. Why would you think I'm–"

       Understanding dawned on her, and she realized that he had been having a nightmare about her. He had been muttering and pleading for her mercy. Something horrible must have happened to me in that dream to make him beg like that...

       "Oh, Newt," Tina murmured. "I'm right here."

       His fingers still lingered on her face, and they were clammy and cold. Newt was shaking, his complexion pale and waxy. Beads of sweat appeared at his forehead, and his brown hair was dishelved and strewn about. His breathing was heavy and erratic, his chest heaving with every gasping breath.

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