Chapter 2

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Elsa's POV

"Attention passengers. You will be arriving at your destination in fifteen minutes."

I grab hold of the arm of my seat tightly as I glanced out the window. The plane was slowly getting closer to the ground. Anna wakes up from her nap and looks over at me.

"I can't believe we are about to land." she says.

"Ya," I nod, "Me too."

"This is going to be great! All the friends we are going to meet! Maybe even a special someone!" Anna squeals in excitement.

All I know about the school is that my cousin Rapunzel Gold is attending. I never really talked to her. She used to visit us when we were younger but I was too afraid to leave my room. Fifteen minutes pass and we step out of the plane and go to get our suit cases.

We grab all our bags and we roll them out of the airport. Waiting for us is a taxi which is supposed to bring us to our dorm houses. After we finally arrive the driver helps us take the bags from the back of the car. Before entering the dorm we had to go to the school and to the secretary to get our schedule, room number and school map.

"Where do you think the secretary is?" I ask Anna as we journey through the empty school.

"I dunno." she shrugs.

We finally find a door that says Secretary on it. We both slowly creak the door open. A woman with black hair and red glasses looks up from the desk.

"Hello." she greets us.

"Hi." I say, sitting down in one of the seats. Anna chooses to stand up.

"You must be the new students." she supposes, "Elsa Winters and Anna Winters. Correct?"

"Yeah." Anna says.

"Here is a map of the school and your schedule. Anna, your room is 64 and Elsa your room is 59."

"Will we have any roommates?" I ask, taking all the papers that she gave me.

"I believe you will each have one."

"Thank you." I say and Anna and I leave. We make our way back the dorm house. I struggle find my room number. Anna seems to have a much better sense of direction. Fortunately I find room 59. I take out the key and I unlock the door and open it. I carry all my bags inside and look around.

There isn't anyone in the room but half of the room was filled with frilly, girly things like posters and teddy bears. The bed on that half has pink covers with love hearts. The other half of the room remains undercoated.

I sigh and start to unpack, putting all my clothes away in the closet on the undecorated side which I'm claiming. About two hours later I finished unpacking and the door opens. It must be my new roommate.

A girl with golden blonde hair, in a pink , frilly, mini dress walks in. Her hair is in a long pony tail.

"Um, hey." I greet awkwardly.

"Oh hi." she replies," You must be my new roommate."

"I guess so." I shrug.

"Cool." she smiles, "I'm Rapunzel Gold."

"Oh." I say, Rapunzel...where do I know that name from?

"I'm Elsa Winters."

"Wait your Elsa Winters?!" her eyes widen.

"Ya." I shrug again.

"Oh my gosh! I knew you looked familiar! You're my cousin!"

"Oh ya. Rapunzel. How could I forget who you were." I laugh.

High School Days (The Big Five Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt