Chapter 10

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{A/N} Sorry for being so inactive the past few months. I'll try to update more this summer. Now let's try to get this chapter to 40 votes this time!

Rapunzel's POV

Although I've been trying my best not to show it, Eugene really hurt me. For the past three days I've been trying my hardest to mask my feelings and pretend that everything is alright even though I know it's not. I just don't understand why he would do something like that. He really lead me on and whenever I walk past him he greets me like it never happened, and I think that that's the worst part. I don't get it. Why won't he just say sorry. That's all I want. To just take comfort in knowing that he cares.

I arrive at my dorm room earlier than Elsa today. She didn't really give me a very detailed explanation, she just said that she has something important to do. Exhausted by a day whole day of smiling and forcing laughs, I slum down on my bed, giving a sigh of relief. Finally, some peace and quiet.

Suddenly, my phone begins vibrating in my bag, singing it's catchy tune. Oh what now?

I pull my phone out and look at the name on the screen. An unknown number. That's strange, did one of my friend's change their number? I hit the green answer button and ask, "Hello?"

"Hi, um is this Rapunzel?," that voice, I recognise it. It belongs to Eugene.

"Eugene?" I ask, making sure that my theory is correct, which it was, "What do you want?" I groan, "I'm not really in the mood for this."

"Look, I know you mad at me...and you have every right to be but I really didn't know that you were upset because of me. Rapunzel, as hard as this might sound to believe, I didn't send you that text. I'm sorry if I hurt you, but it wasn't me."

Well he said sorry, I guess that that's a good start. However, for some reason, I'm still mad at him. It feels as if he's making excuses. Nope, definitely not in the mood for this.

"Goodbye Eugene," I sigh and hang up before he could say anything.

Jack's POV

I walk out of the fraternity for some fresh air. The wind blows gently on my face as I stroll down the path. My hands rummage around my pockets as I breathe out a cold breath. The Winter Dance is approaching quickly and I still don't have a date. Everyone on the basketball team has one by now, even Kristoff! And he just arrived at this school. I was going to ask Elsa but it turned out that she's not going. Is this how prom's going to be like?

Just then I spot the very same platinum blonde haired girl. My eyes light up and I start waving at her from across the street, "Hey Elsa!" I call out.

Elsa looks up at me hesitantly. She quickly look away from me, leaving me confused for a moment before I remembered. Oh right, she's still mad at me.

No, I'm not going to let myself let her go just yet. I might, just might be able to fix this. So with that, I run up to her. Elsa begins speed walking when she notices me making my way up to her but I grab her wrist before she could get away.

"Elsa, please stop avoiding me," I beg her. The blonde finally looks me in the eye and stops struggling to get out of my reach. When I feel that I can trust her to not run away again, I let go of her wrist.

"Please don't let that one kiss ruin our friendship. If you don't forgive me, I'll never be able to forgive myself."

Elsa sighs and looks around as if she was making sure that nobody was following her. She then takes my hand and speaks hesitantly , "I...have to show you something."

She takes me around the corner and behind a building which seemed isolated from the busy streets, "I'm about to show you my deepest and darkest secret and you can't tell anybody."

Elsa never looked so serious before but I still couldn't help myself from making an inappropriate remark, "What, do you love me?" I cock my eyebrow and smirk.

Her baby blue eyes widen as her cheeks turn bright red, "W-what?! No!" she snaps, "Now pay attention because I'm only doing this once!"

She slowly slips off one of her snow white gloves, revealing her dainty, ice cold fingers. She then puts her hand out and gently lets her fingertips touch her palm. Her fist reopens and a small snowflake floats out of her hand. So I was right.

I look back up at Elsa who looks like she's about to have a mental breakdown, "I'm so sorry that I kept this away from you," she cries, "I just didn't want you to be afraid of me or hurt you."

I felt so bad for, I have no choice do I?

I hold out my fist and open it, releasing a snowflake too. I smile kindly as the snowflake dances around my finger tips. Elsa wipes away one of her tears with her finger and smiles back weakly.

"We're not so different, you and I," I state, taking her gloveless hand.

"No we're not," she replies quietly, agreeing with what I said. She doesn't pull her hand away this time. She lets me hold it and for a moment there was silence. But it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a nice silence, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

{A/N} UGH SHORT CHAPTER! I'm really happy that I left it off at that note though. So Jack is the first person to find out about Elsa's powers. I'm really happy with how that scene turned out. What do you Cookies think? How should the others find out about her powers?

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