Hiccup groans, banging his head against his chair.

"Great. Just great," Hiccup groaned.

Toothless rubbed his back, a frown on his face as well.


"Of course. This makes things a lot harder."

Hiccup looked ahead of him.


"Well, gonna lose her."

Hiccup runs faster. Astrid growls after him.


"Slow down!"


"No way!"

"Do you honestly think he's gonna slow down with the way you're chasing him," Vanja asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I think he's actually running faster," Wisp says, the ten-year-old jumping in her seat.

Hiccup moves past some bushes and into a small clearing and runs left and down, hiding in a hole underneath a tree trunk. Astrid runs into the small clearing where Hiccup was in. She looks around and growls again.


"I will not lose to you!"

Hiccup peaks out of his little hiding spot before doubling back, running the opposite direction Astrid ran. He doesn't see Astrid stopping from the hill she was running up and turning around, seeing Hiccup run off.

"Advice, Hiccup. Make sure you can't hear her footprints before exiting your hiding place." Rapunzel said.

"Gee, thanks. Now if this me could take your advice, everything would be perfect." Hiccup sighed, running his hands through his chocolate brown locks.


"Playing hard to get are ya?"

"He could do better, in my opinion."

Hiccup runs into the cove. Toothless is there, waiting. He's older now.

Midnight blushes at the older looking Toothless on screen, even though she saw him already.

"Nice cove, it's like Rapunzel's in a way," Merida comments.

Some people nod at her statement.


"Hiccup! What's wrong? You're late!"


"We need to go."




"We need to go now. Toothless, go into Dragon form; I'll explain why we need to go right now!"

Toothless complies, but in confusion. Hiccup secures the saddle on Toothless's back.

Black Night growled. Not only was his youngest son following orders from a weak human child, but he was letting himself be mounted like a common horse! He has some serious talking to Night Scale, he refuses to call him by his new name, when he comes home.

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