Alternate Ending

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~~~~~Side note: I know I said that I wouldn't put up the alternate ending, but I feel like I disappointed some people who really wanted Liam to be the guy. Really, I think that friendships with the guys are a bit underated, and that's why I didn't have Liam and Emma end up together. BUT here's the alternate ending for anyone who cares. It's basically the same ending as the story except Liam's name replaces Greg, but not completely the same :D KTHXBYE

Sage started out the night by going up there and singing, quite passionately, Can’t Fight the Moonlight, and Niall followed her by singing one of her favorite songs, I Won’t Give Up. A group of Niall’s friends went up and sang E.T. Before I knew what was going on, Aden shoved the microphone in my hand and threw me up onstage.

“Guys, I don’t sing. I don’t even have a song picked out! C’mon. This is embarrassing.” I covered my face as the deepest blush filled my cheeks.

Sage called out, “We already picked out a song for you! Sing!”

They started chanting my name. “Em-ma! Em-ma! Em-ma! Em-ma!

I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut before I laughed and said into the microphone, “Cue the song.”

The entire bar was filled with an uproar of cheers, and I heard Greg’s voice the loudest as he shouted above the rest about how awesome I was.

The music started, and I recognized the song immediately. I was hesitant at first to put the microphone up to my mouth as I sang one of my favorite songs, Don’t Hold Your Breath. “You can’t touch me now; there’s no feeling left. If you think I’m coming back, don’t hold your breath! What you did to me, boy, I can’t forget. If you think I’m coming back, don’t hold your breath!” By the end of the whole fiasco, I was dancing around the stage, twirling the microphone cord this way and that way, and I think I even kicked my shoes off my feet into the guys’ tables. I wasn’t completely sure; the alcohol was starting to get to me.

I bowed and curtsied when I finished, and the bar again rose with cheers. I made my way back to my seat, and as I passed people, they held out their hands for high fives, which I graciously gave. By the time I found my seat, the next singer was onstage complaining about how hard it was to go after that.

I cheered when I saw that it was Greg, and he pointed at me and said, “This one’s for you, babe!” And he began singing the most off-key, adorable rendition of Every Time We Touch. I must say, I was very, very attracted to him as he swung his hips all around the stage.

But my mind went back to last summer, the day after Liam and I confessed our love for each other. The day we had missed our dance lessons, so we instead stayed home and carelessly swung around the room. The song playing was the very one Greg just sang, and my heart recoiled, unwilling to let go of the summer eight months ago. Liam and I were so in love and so free, completely trusting of each other like best friends are. As much as I wanted to deny it, I missed those days of sweet nothings with Liam.

Greg came over and kissed me when he was done, and this caused the bar to go crazy yet again. Greg went back to his seat, and the next person went up.

Liam carried his guitar with him and positioned the microphone on the stand. He spent a moment tuning his guitar before he looked out to the audience and said into the mic, “I thought I’d slow things down a little for right now and share with you all a song that I wrote not too long ago for someone in the audience. Your ears are the first to hear it, and I hope you enjoy it.”

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