1st day of School

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There in the door way stood a tall girl with long blond hair. She had the prettiest green blue eyes more green with what she was wearing with a perfect face, skinny and can tell a story, she had these lips that made her smile shine, she had curves but was skinny. I whish I had that body.

She wore a pink sweater with a blue bow on it and a pink minni skirt with light pink curl design that showed her tan legs off. Her nails were painted pink with a white watch on. She wore white flats and stood there quiet and awkward.

Her mom kissed her and pushed her inside. I kept walking down said said "Hi im Max, your Sarah right?" she nodded. "Well hi! wanna come upstairs while we wait." She got excited and we ran up to my room. She stoped at the door in ah. I told her to step into my closet and she did.

"Sarah you look like your going to faint. Don't worry I dont mean to be rude." Her vocie was soft and sweet and had those monents when her voice pitch changes. She said "Oh Max your not rude my house is just like this i just dont have all this and its so amazing. So glade we can be friends."

Sarah didn't seem mean at all more just confused and shy. I'm sure I can help her with that sooner or later. Sarah walked out and looked through all my posters "I know your probably like dang this girl is crazy fangirl." I said with a laugh.

"Oh no I love all these bands, The Vamps, 5SOS, Fifth Harmony and the soloist Austin M., Dove Carmen., ect."

Wow she's way cooler then I thought. Not to mention her style. She's finally the friend I've been searching for. I could never make true friends but who knows she might change that. I can only hope.

It was time to go to the bus stop so we ran down stairs and I again end up tripping over one of the girls toys and falling flat on my face and Sarah was having a blast. We grabbed our bags and I opened the door to see the kids at the stop.

Sarah asked who this guy with blond shaggy hair like that dude from Scooby Doo. He was taller and older then her but he sure was cuter the the other Highschool boys. He's what I call tall dark and handsome.

I walked up to him and said "Hey TJ." And he lifted me up and hugged me. "Hey Maxy missed you over summer."

"We'll you shouldn't have been out camping. Your lost, So hey this is my friend Sarah, she's new." I said hoping he'll be nice to her and he was.

"Hellllllo, you look like an interesting story Sarah." and he kissed her hand.

I laughed at how "romantic" he was being. Also at the stop was a few more guys but there pervs so I didn't say a word. Then there stood Emma the girl that hates me with all her heart. She kept giving me and Katie sorry looks but we ignored it and had a convo.

All of the sudden the bus came zooming by and made a sharp stop. Sarah looked at me worried and I laughed. We all ran through the street into the bus. I took the middle seat reserved for my butt and a guests butt. Sarah's. Some guys leans over and kissed me on the check. It was James my best guy friend and only that.

"Sarah meet everyone. Haha we are going to have a blast and I'll be with you through it all. Then I plugged in my head bud, one in mine and the other in Sarah's, and we slowly zoned out into a world of vamps. "Can we dance?"

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