Sunday 17th of August

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Dear Diary......

I'm Max, Maxine Smith and I live in Clermont, Florida. I have a family of 8. Its a pretty crowded hose hold that can make a big mess. I'm 15 going into High School with a girl named Sarah. Her mom is my moms friend so were going to give her a ride to school while her mom takes my sister to middle school with her boy and girl. I've never met her before but my mom says she's nice and quiet.

We just finished school shopping and packing because schools kinda tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it. I am looking forward to my theater group. We just finished a show and I met this guy my age and hes really nice. Hopefully we are going to the same school. His name is Mike and hes going into 9th grade with me but i don't know what school. He can sing and hes polite. I hope to see him in our next show.

I walked up the stairs to trip over a rubber ducky. I yelled at my little sister Grace and Kelly (there twins only 4) "Twins come get Donald and put him in the play room DOWN STAIRS!" Then they came running out with wings on and a pirate hat. They picked it up and ran down the stairs. I walked passed Jake's room where he was playing COD on the x-box. Hes already finished High School and hes waiting for a collage acceptance. His room is blue with a bunk bed. The bottom one is like a couch and his tv was on a stool that looked invisible. On the walls he had posters of his dream collages.

I walked into my pink room with my favourite band posters on one side. The other side quotes, and the last one my fan-girl side. My bed is blue with a shelve above it and a desk with a long skinny 3D tv but I do more of my work on it the watching. Then i have a walk in closet and inside is a mirror with my make up above it. I was called down stairs for dinner.

When I got in the dining room we had to put our iphone in a box until we are excused from diner. I pulled out my iphone 5s with a bow as the case. I looked in the box to see 3 toy phones and 1 slide up phone then 2 iphones. When I walked in I sat next to Bekah (the one going into middle school) and Marie (shes in 11th grade, different school.). Jake was in between the twins and the youngest one at 9months Tommy is by my mom at the head of the table and my dad at the other head.

My mom is a stay at home babysitter and my dad works as a head doctor. You can come up with the money yourself my mom and dad don't tell me. When I'm in 10th grade I'm going to take over the baby sitting business from her. The kids are all types of ages. Sometimes she'll help them with homework.

While we were eating the kitty jumped on the table with her kitties and they eat there food there. Then we kept hearing the 2 dogs barking so i asked if I was excused to walk them and so i slipped on my shoes and walked out side with them. While walking i ran into Emma. I didn't know her that good and I don't think she liked me because, i don't know why but she never talked to me. The people in our neighborhood loved and hated my family because we watched there kids for free but we had a nice home and everything so yeah were loved by many and hated by most. I walked past the bus stop and saw a bus just zoom by. I shook my head and we ran back up to the house and went to bed.

I woke up to a scream of joy saying "SCHOOL TIME" I got up walked into my closet and grabbed my ripped jeans and my long shirt that was tight at the top then loose at the bottom and it was kinda see through but you couldnt see anything. I curled my hair and had a health bar. I heard my mom say "SARAHS HERE MAXY!" I walked down the stairs and was suprised to see a girl who looked diffrent then I thought.


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