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Third person view

While in the the yacht, Y/n's quite in a good mood. She felt as though she had a family, or at least, that's what Aquamarine said.

Her white flip phone rang loudly, disturbing the boy's sleep.

She opened the flip phone, without even looking at the contacts, she greeted the person, "hai?"


Her face dropped to a murderous glare.

"Tell Atsushi to not play in inter high."

She looked at Atsushi, making sure he heard it, "hai."

She had no problems, after all, he always has his terms and conditions, in this request, his condition is for him to step out as well.

"Oh and Y/n?"


"You remember that promise you made to me, right?"

I bit my lip, I regretted promising his such thing. We were best friends, how naïve was I to think that we'd stay that way? He knew this, he knew I always keep my promises and he's going to take advantage of it!


"Transfer to Seirin."

The loud bickering became quiet, they seemed as though they were shocked.

She trembled, she can't say no, but she can always ask why.


"Because, Tetsuya is there. There's a feeling when I hear his name, and as my exemplar, you shall check up on him. I want a challenge, I will give your form to play with them, I'll pass it through Tetsuya. Not only that, your potentials will grow even higher with them."

I looked at them with horror, there's nothing I could do.


He hung up on me as I was just about to close my phone.

I reached for something from the counter.

I looked at them and contemplated, they're my chess pieces. The Queen and the knight piece. He gave these to me for my birthday. He said that the Queen could move anywhere in a setting but can't move like a knight. He told me that I was just like these pieces in a battlefield, how touching. They're quite small pieces are small enough to fit the inside of my palm.

I closed my eyes and threw them up in the air and caught them, opening my left eye.

"I'm sorry, but I have to follow his order, as his exemplar."


They're mad and angry of course. But what confused them but Atsushi was her being his exemplar, "ex... emplar?"

Atsushi had a deathly aura no one would ever want to mess with.

"In the Generation of Miracles, Shiro-chin as her title of her own. It was either the Emperor's Exemplar or the Queen. She was also known as our student. Emperor's Exemplar because Shiro-chin was basically his servant in playing. But after receiving the chess pieces, you could say it was a parting gift. She began playing solo in her games. She's also known for being our student 'cause Shiro-chin admitted to the news that she learned almost everything from us."

Himuro tightened his fists, "so what are we supposed to do then?!"

Atsushi didn't respond for a while, of course they wouldn't understand.


Life in Yosen (Yosen x OC) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now