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4 --- Shutoku

The girl walked out into the city for the train station. As she walked along she saw many shops and booths. Some for food, some for clothes, others for sports and much more. She stopped at a certain place where she hesitates going in. It was still 3:00 p.m. so she decided why not.

She stepped inside the salon and was greeted by a parlor. "Good afternoon, my name is Aya Asahi and I will be your parlor for today."

She led her to one if the seats and draped a cloth around her shoulders. She put on her apron, which has pockets full of salon tools. The tools go from a range of scissors to combs or brushes to a spray bottle filled with water with much more, that Shiro wondered how she managed to keep her shoulders from being stiff.

"Which cut would a young lady like would want to have?"

Shiro thought for a moment, "can you cut my hair evenly until like... just half an inch above my shoulders?"

"My, my, a lady like you would look absolutely beautiful in any hair style but are you sure?"

Shiro smiled bitterly, "I just want a new beginning, this will just be a sign."

The parlor looked at her sadly, she must've had a rough time, Aya thought.

"You have gorgeous white hair dear, is this natural or did you dye it?" Shiro gave her the answer. Not everyone had natural white hair like her.

After cutting her hair, Aya put her hands on her hips proudly as she looked at her work. She thought Shiro looks absolutely stunning with the new hair cut. She removed the cloth around her and tidied her up just a bit. Shiro stood up and looked at herself  in the mirror. She twirled around touching her hair. She smiled warmly at Aya and fave her the payment and a 200¥ tip. She checked her watch and It's 3:56 p.m. already. She quickly went to the nearest snack store and bought like 5 packets of Umaibo. She ran to the train station and bought a ticket to where Shutoku is.

She held her bags tightly and walked her way to the gym of her brother's school. She walked around around and found the She's been looking for. She silently went in, sat on the bench while looking at her brother's teammates play. She waited and waited and waited. Suddenly a ball came zooming towards her.

"Oi lady you'll be hit!"

"Careful, oi!"

She didn't hear brother about in concern for her safety. She sighed sadly until she remembered, she had a hair cut. Of course he wasn't going to recognize her. She stood up and blocked the ball with her hand, stopping the ball from hitting her face. The team went silent, she dribbled the ball and went into her position for shooting, just like her brother and shot the ball without any issue.

"I didn't know it was you Shiro," Shintaro said adjusting his glasses. "Why the sudden change of look? Nanodayo"

"I just wanted a new chapter for my life, Shintaro."

Her brother's eyes widened at the name that rolled out her tongue like sandpaper. Never in his life, in their life, did she say his name like that. And even if she said his name, she never said it without honorifics. He noticed one eye was lighter and brighter than the other one. Their parents were divorced while they were kids. Shiro transferred to America with their dad while he stayed with his mum. Just before their departure, he swore she had green eyes just like him and their mother. She had an accident in America whereas she was hit by a collapsed tree and was informed that she now has aquamarine eyes like her father. Now she had one which is Turquoise and her eyes are sharper.

She smiled creepily giving all of their spines' chills. She was different right know, "you're not my sister, who are you?"

She smiled chillingly, "I'm Shiro Midorima, but unlike Seijuuro, I won't pretend that I didn't change, Shintaro." She grabbed one piece of chicken curry flavoured umaibo and took a bite. "Atsushi has great taste in snacks."

She put down the tasty snack, "Do not underestimate me Shintaro, because I am much stronger than you." She grinned, "also, do you like my hair? Don't you think it is beautiful?" She asked while twirling around him only to be answered with silence. "Don't you guys talk? How 'bout Kazunari? I thought you would be cheerfully annoying like what Shintaro described." She saw a raven haired man turn pale.

"I have done my research and I hope the famous Miyaji is here." "He is your senpai Shiro," her brother reminded.

"I do not take orders, even from you my dear Shintaro."

She knew how much he hated how she said his name, it was fun to see his face distort to frustration and sadness.

"Well I should get going, I already talked with Daiki and Ryouta. I don't think I will mesh well with Seijuuro, even though we have the same blood type, but I will still talk to him including Tetsuya. Me and him are great friends, I'm compatible with blood type A and B's after all." She shrugged and grabbed another flavour, cheese this time and went back home.

"How is she your sister?" Kiyoshi questioned.

They saw a stream of tears flow out of his eyes, "It's all our fault. This isn't fair but It's still my fault, our fault."  He whispered. The team was startled to see their ace cry in front of them. He isn't the type of person to show emotions in front of people he doesn't know. They didn't know if he wants to be left alone or to be comforted.

"Go ahead, Takao. I will be walking home," he said while adjusting his glasses and went to the locker room. Shintaro grabbed his handkerchief from his bag and wiped his tears and sweat that covered his face. He went inside the shower and proceeded to wash himself.

Once he got out, he saw his team looking at him with big wide eyes. Shintaro sweat dropped and walked outside the entrance of Shutoku. His home was quite far away, but he was fine to walk, it's just a 12 minute walk, well, if you are as tall as Shintaro. He approached his doorstep, went inside his home and saw containers of baked pastries and sweets on his kitchen countertop. It had a note which read:

the macaroons are your favourite flavor, Shintaro.
It's chocolate and some vanilla, I just added green food colouring.

He smiled at the stacked containers as though they were his sister. He loves his sister, he really does. He could not forgive himself for hurting his baby sister, he hoped hard that she wouldn't change, but he needs to face reality. This world is cruel and will do anything to find a way to hurt people, he had changed and it was inevitable for Shiro to change. She is surrounded by people who hurt her and changed their ways in, which consisted of her once best friend, her snack buddy, her rival yet teammates, himself and her so called 'kitten'.

Life in Yosen (Yosen x OC) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now