-The Sadness Of The World Never Touches Me.; Chapter 16.

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"Hi Liam, Niall, and Zayn!" She said, giving them each a hug.

We had left the hospital that morning, and headed back to the hotel.

"Where are Paeton and Rose?" I asked, not spotting them with the boys.

"They're still in bed." Zayn replied.

Elena looked up at me. "Oh yeah, how are they doing?"

"They're fine. Only a couple cuts and bruises." I replied. "Anyways, I'm gonna head up to our room. This cast is heavy."


"No really. It's a nice day out, seriously guys. Go do something." I persuaded them.

Everyone wanted to hang out in the hotel room with me, because I couldn't really do anything with my broken leg. But I didn't want the boys to ruin one of the last days with Paeton and Rose, since we were leaving for the tour. I hate making people feel like they have to wait hand and foot on me. Because they don't. I appreciate it, but I can do things on my own.

"Would it be alright if we all stayed here and had a movie party?" Niall asked, politely.

I looked at Harry, and then back to Niall. "That's fine with me, if that's fine with everyone else." I smiled.

After a brief discussion on which movies to get, we all decided.

"Alright! Let's go to the store, then to Blockbuster!" Louis shouted, as he ran towards the door.

"Wanna come?" Liam asked me, as he handed me my crutches.

"I'd love to. Thanks." I smiled as I stood on one foot, and reached for my crutches from Liam.


"SOUR PATCH KIDS!!" Paeton screamed as we walked into Wal-Mart.

"PIZZA!!" Niall shouted.

"CARROTS!!" Louis yelled.

"Because we're totally not drawing any attention to ourselves." Liam groaned, as he watched Niall run towards the frozen pizza aisle. "I'll watch Niall."

"I'll take Paeton." I stated, and Harry followed me as we walked towards the candy aisle.

"I'll go with Lou." Elena replied, making her way over to the vegtable aisle.

"Let's get something practical. Popcorn?" Rose asked Zayn, and those two went to the snack aisle.


After $28.22 dollars worth of snacks, candy, pop, and other 'movie night necessities' we got back into the van and drove towards Blockbuster.

"What movies are we getting?" Liam asked, as we walked in.

"Well, I was thinking a romantic movie. The Notebook?" Harry suggested.

"You're such a softy. I love it." I smirked, as I smiled up at him. His perfect smile showed shortly after, as he bent down and placed a kiss on my head.

"I think we should get one of the Toy Story movies.." Liam added.

"I haven't seen Toy Story 3.." I mentioned.

"Grease!!" Louis recommended.

"I agree with Lou!!" Niall added.

We agreed on 5 movies; The Notebook, Toy Story 3, Grease, Forrest Gump, and Bambi. (Harry insisted we got Bambi.)


I heard soft sniffles, so I turned my attention towards Harry. Tears were running down his cheeks. He's such a softy. I reached up, and cleared off his cheeks. "You're adorable." I simply stated as I leaned up and lightly kissed his lips.

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