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Title: Pilot
Ships: Tony x Reader (fatherlike relationship), Steve x Reader (friendship), Loki x Reader (enemies) avengers x reader.
Description: You have always known who the Avengers are. But you had no clue they knew who you were. Tony brings you into his tower and makes you a trainee kind of like how he did with Peter. How well can you keep up with them?
Requested: No
Warnings: Violence? Idk.
Side Note: This is going to be a new book I am writing! So here is a sneak peak to it!
You walked to school, almost late to English class because you woke up late and had to get dressed. You rushed down the halls and quickly sat down in Mrs Winterhalter's class. You sat in the back. Like usual. No one really noticed you or really talked to you so you pretty much kept to yourself. This was your junior year at Midtown High School and you were ready to just graduate in the next year and live your life. As Mrs Winterhalter was talking you began taking notes and you realized you had left your gym clothes at home. You raised your hand and got excused from the class. You walked down the empty halls before entering a janitors closet.
"Friday, search for supernatural activities."said the genius, billionaire, play boy, philanthropist. Also know as Tony Stark. "Thank you Stark for helping me find my brother." Thor said. "No problem big guy. We don't need the god with family issues to go ruin anything again." Tony said. "Mr. Stark we have found 58 supernatural activities but there is one that shows out the most out of the others." Friday says. "Alright override the cameras nearby the source." Tony says. "Yes Mr. Stark." Friday says before the camera live footage shows up on the screen. "This doesn't look like my brother." Thor said confused. "It seems to be a teenage girl..." Tony adds. He watched as you opened a portal and spun the imaginary dial which changed the location of the portal till it was showing your bedroom. You walked through and grabbed your gym clothes before coming back out and closing the portal. Tony looked in disbelief. "Friday where is her location?" He asked and Friday replied with "Midtown High School." And Tony knew exactly where that was. "That's Peter's school. Looks like we are recruiting another teen." He said before closing out the camera screens.
Back at Midtown High School...
As the bell rang you walked off to Gym class ready to get it all over with for today. Gym wasn't hard but you didn't enjoy running laps or looking all sweaty. You walked into the gym after changing and you hear your gym teacher yell "Alright class run laps and I will tell you when to stop!" And everyone let out a groan before beginning to run. "Coach Jacoby please send Y/N L/N to the office please." The front desk lady asked over the intercom. You froze right where you were running which was a stupid idea... bam! You hit the floor as someone had run into you. You turned around to get up and saw Peter Parker. "Oh my god I am so sorry I didn't realize you were there." He said as he helped you up. "Yeah well no one notices me so its fine." You said before walking to go grab your bag and made your way to the office.
Once you got to the office you opened the door and walked in. You saw someone you never expected to see. Stark. The Tony Stark. Your eyes went wide. "Hello Mrs Y/L/N. I am-" he started but you cut him off "Tony Stark. I know who you are- I'm such a fan of your work and the Avengers." You told him and he grins. "Good so lets go talk in private." He says and he ended up taking you to his car and headed back to Stark Towers. During the ride he was explaining everything. "Wait so you want me to be your new trainee?" You asked him. "Exactly. I have someone else who is also a trainee of mine. Have you heard of SpiderMan?" He asked. "Of course, who hasn't heard of him around here?" You asked before chuckling. "Well you are going to meet him eventually." He said which made you filled with excitement. "Mr. Stark we have arrived at Stark Tower." FRIDAY said before opening the doors of the car.
You made your way through the tower by following Tony and you found all the Avengers all hanging out together. You tried your hardest not to fangirl over this which ended up rendering yourself speechless. "Guys I want you to meet Y/N." Tony said and the whole group waved at you and said their hi's and hey's. "So why did you bring her here?" Natasha asked curiously. "Let me guess she is gonna be the next teen that you mentor?" Steve asked. "You are correct." He said. "Go ahead Y/N show them what you can do." Tony added. "Oh alright.." you said nervously. Then you motion your hands and open a portal and everyone looked very impressed. "Lets see I could always go back home." You said and you spun the imaginary dial which changed it to your house. "Hm or maybe another planet.." you said and changed it to mars. "Nah I'm gonna go for a whole other dimension." You said before switching dimensions before closing the portal. Everyone looked fairly impressed. "Thats so cool. How can you control that?" Sam asked. "Oh uh- my grandma use to do this too but she is the only person that could do this and she could do it without the dial." You told them. "Well where is your grandma now?" Bruce asked. "Oh um... shes.. dead.." you said and you let out a sigh. "Change of subject. You are going to need training tomorrow so wake up bright and early and come down to the training room. You can stay here and I will write you out of school for the next week so you can train hard." Tony says before getting FRIDAY to show you to your new bedroom. You knew that this was the start of something new for yourself.

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