5 | Pregnancy | Dally

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"Yes of course I'm mad!" I yell at Dally. He was hauled into the station again, this time he was in for thirty days. This past month has been terrible, so many emotions flooding through me at all times. Now that he was finally back, I could let them out. "You got hauled in for something stupid! Why don't you think?"

"Don't talk to me like that." His eyes were bland, the calm before the storm.

I scoff. "Don't get arrested and I wouldn't have to."

"This was not my fault!" He was yelling. His anger was scary, but I didn't care. These feelings were coming out now, and I wouldn't be able to stop them.

"What the hell are you talking about? YOU were the one that stole those magazines, and YOU got punished for them."

"I've never got caught before. And I wasn't even the one who was doing it."

"I can't believe you can't take responsibility for your own actions. Pathetic."

"Don't ever call me pathetic." His tone was lowered, the horrifying volume.

"If you

"Why are you acting like this?"


"Yeah you," he says, "you've never been so angry about me getting arrested."

"I can't be angry?" My blood was boiling.

"No, I'm not saying that. I'm asking why it's so different this time."

"Because I'm pregnant Dally!" I yell. The room goes silent.

"What?" He speaks quietly.

"I'm pregnant." I admit. "I found out the day after you arrested. I've been dealing with it ever since. I needed you Dally, and you were away."

"Are you gonna get a ... ?"

I was disgusted, how could he say that? "No. Don't you think I would have gotten one already if I was?" My voice cracked at the end of my question, I was breaking down. He wasn't here for me. But that's Dallas Winston for you.

"I don't know baby." He says. He starts to inch closer to me, coming to comfort me.

"Don't 'baby' me." I tell him, stepping away from him.

I give in, let Dally embrace me as I start to tear up. My cry was getting heavier, and he was holding me. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you Y/N."

"Just promise me that you won't get hauled in again. Please." I beg, my tear-filled eyes looking into his.

"Anything for you and this baby." He says. "I'm going to be the father mine never was."

I just hug him tighter. I'm so glad he's home.

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