4 | Sodapop

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I was lying on the couch at the Curtis house on a cold December night. Pony had let me in twenty minutes ago, so I have been watching TV and cuddling up in Soda's sweatshirt. I was waiting for my boyfriend to come home, I wanted to see him. I had been so busy with mid-terms that I hadn't seen him in days. It seemed like anytime I could hang out with him, he would be at work. Our schedules just wouldn't sync up.

I heard the door open, and Soda come in. I look over the couch at my handsome boyfriend. His hair and clothes were speckled with white. Snow. "Hi baby." I say, not getting up from the couch.

"Hi Y/N." He says. He takes off his coat, his shoes, and get's a glass of chocolate milk. I was not surprised, he does it everyday. He came back, glass in hand, and sat down. I snuggle up him, and he shivers in the sudden warmness of the house.

"It was actually snowing?" It was a crazy winter this year, it rarely snows in Tulsa.

"Yeah," he told me, "I was unprepared."

We sit in silence for a while after that, just enjoying each other's presence. What I like about our relationship is that it's not ever awkward to be together, just basking in how great the other person is.

"How's school?" He asks me after a while. He dropped out a while ago.

"It's tiring." I tell him. He nods, I'm sure he remembers.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" Soda asks, looking down to me.

"Yeah." I say. It was so roomy on me, it's fantastic.

"I want that one back Y/N." He tells me. "That's my favorite sweatshirt."

"No way." I say back possessively.

"Why not?" He asks. There was hints of anger in his sweet tone.

"Because it smells like you." I explain. "I'll give it back when it stops smelling like you."

"Whatever," he tells me."You look cuter in it than I ever will." He beams down at me, and I repeat the action.

His smile took my breath away.

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