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Harry subtly made his way through the common room and out of the portrait into the corridors, without being noticed or stopped. Not that this was hard. Ron and Hermione were huddled together on the puffy armchair next to the fire, engrossed with each other's tongues and there was no one else there to care. Neville was in a deep discussion with Lavender Brown about herbology and Seamus and Dean were enjoying a game of exploding snap. No one even looked up as he passed. Their laughter rang in Harry's ears. He felt so distant, so removed, like he didn't belong.

He caught sight of Ginny talking and laughing with her friends, causing his stomach to twist. How he longed for her to come after him, kiss him, beg him not to go. But Ginny was too caught up with her friends to even see him looking at her. Harry carried on walking. He wished he could have Ginny the way Ron had Hermione but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't risk endangering her and she would be in so much danger if she was in a relationship with the 'chosen one'. No, if Harry loved her, he would leave her and let her live a long and happy life. He didn't deserve her anyway.

Harry trudged through the castle, up countless flights of stairs until he arrived at the highest point of the Astronomy tower. Some Slytherins tried to trip him on his way up, but Harry ignored them, he barely even registered them as he walked to his death. He paid no attention to any of his surroundings, too lost in thought, his memories swirling around his brain. His uncles words, Voldemort's voice and vivid red eyes, Cedric dead.... Sirius falling... death eaters being tortured, dementors flying over the dark lake, Mr weasley on the floor, blood pouring out of him... Ginny fading away in the chamber of secrets... tied down in his uncles basement, clothes forced off him... his uncle coming towards him.... his mothers screams.

Harry gasped for air as he balanced on the edge of the tower, allowing the cool breeze to bring him out of his thoughts. Looking down, he saw the large drop to the hard earth, but he wasn't afraid, he almost felt peaceful. He cleared his mind whilst still gasping for air, tears filled his eyes but he wiped them away. He thought of his mother and father, and of Sirius. Those he owed his life to after allowing them to die for him. Then he thought of his friends, how they could be finally be happy. Then he thought of his uncle...

"Just jump you Freak" Harry said to himself. "End it now before anyone else gets hurt. Nobody will even care, they'll be happy, cmon just do this one thing for them." Pain clenched at his chest as he thought of all the suffering he had caused. He couldn't stand it. "Do it you fucking Faggot"


Harry's head whizzed around so fast he almost lost balance and fell, his eyes searched the dark until they landed on a cloaked figure.

Severus Snape stepped out of the darkness and into the moonlight. He felt his heart thudding against his chest but he forced himself to stay calm. He had spotted Harry making his way up the tower and was curious to see where the brat was going. He had made his way slowly and quietly, planning on jumping out and scaring Potter before taking countless house points. He was almost excited, but then he saw the boy on the edge and he felt his heart stop. And then he listened. The boy was talking to himself, obviously building up the nerve to jump, but what he said broke Severus apart. He couldn't understand it. Why would precious Potter want to kill himself? Why was he calling himself a freak and a faggot?

"Stay away from me!"Harry demanded, his voice rising in panic.

Snape raised his arms in a surrender pose "Potter calm down and come away from the edge". Harry turned away again and looked at the drop that was awaiting him, breathing hard.

"I can't... I have to do this... just go away!" He cried, closing his eyes.

Snape felt like running at Harry and dragging him back, but he couldn't risk it. He had to make him come down on his own. His heart broke as he looked at the desperate boy in front of him, at Lilly's son. "You don't have to do this, whatever this is, we can sort it like rational adults. Let me help you. If you do this you will be hurting so many people that care"

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