Chapter 30:

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"Raven." I whisper trying to wake her up but she stays unconscious.

"What did you do to her?" I ask her 'father'

"She hit her head, how could I have planned that?" He asks then walks away slamming the cell door shut and locking it.

"Raven." I ask again shaking her gently still no reply.


Footsteps sound and I blink my eyes open. My head is facing down and I can't move to look up.

"Hello Raven." A male voice says from in front of me. My eyes are on black boots

"What do you want with us?" I ask unable to move.

"Your smart I'm sure you already know the answer to this." He says

"You want to use me against the light." I reply

"I knew you were smart." He says

"Why can't I move?" I ask

"Your immobile as of now. When you wake up you will be able to move once again." He says

"Who are you?" I ask

"You already know who I am I am your father." He replies

"What happened to you? Why'd you do this?" I ask still unable to look up.

"It's better here then in the light."

"You're killing innocent people." I say

"And making them stronger." He says

"I thought you were dead."

"You can't kill a demon king they are practically immoral just like light queens and kings impossible to kill them." He replies and something clicks.

"Then where's my mother?" I ask forcing myself to look up. I feel the spell cast upon me break and my vision clears and I keep my head up fighting the bounds around me.

"How'd you do that?" He asks

"Where is my mother?" I ask and he smirks.

"She's dead." He replies

"But she's a Queen Of Light. And you said she was immortal-"

"Goodbye." He replies then he smacks me across the face and suddenly I'm back in reality.

"Raven?" I look around trying to find who said my name.

"Raven open your eyes." The voice says.

"I can't who I can't!" I exclaim

"Try, make yourself! Try!" He exclaims and I take a deep breath then force my eyes open.

"Eric." I say and he pulls me closely to him and I grip him scared he's not actually here.

"Is this real are you actually here with me?" I ask

"Yes Raven I'm here and we are going to get out of this place."

"Did everyone else die?" I ask

"I don't know." He replies and I take a shaky breath.

"I'm just glad your ok." I whisper

"I told you I'd never leave your side. I would never let them take you without a fight or without me coming too." He replies

"Thank you." Is all I can manage and he gently places his lips against my forehead.

"Always." He whispers


"Get off of me!" I yell fighting the men dragging me away from Eric. He jumps up ms rushes towards us but is caught by his own pair of people.

"Stop fighting! We were ordered to bring you to the king." One hisses in my ear and I continue to fight.

"You don't take me anywhere without Eric!" I yell stepping down hard onto one of the men's feet and knocking the other one out with a side kick to the head. I knock the third guy out by ramming him into the wall and going back to the first guy he tries to catch me but I punch him hard in the face then ram my foot into his shoulder and watch him fall back. I rush towards Eric noticing all the guys that were holding him are down too and I take a deep breath.

"Let's go." I say and he nods taking my hand and rushing us out of the cell. We continue to run and hear the alarms go off.

"Back back back!" I yell hearing footsteps come rushing towards us from so far ahead. We run backwards and fine a small section probably a cave and we run into it.

"Damn it." Eric mutters as more footsteps sound from in front of us. We start running the other way and duck just in time as knives are thrown at us. I look around wildly then see an opening.

"To the right." I say and we jump up and sprint towards the opening. We hear footsteps behind us as we continue to run. I feel Eric put a force field around us as we continue to run. Footsteps sound from the left and right too but we continue to sprint not looking back. We run and run and I scream as something in front of us breaks and Eric and I fall farther and farther down but we never lose our grip on each other's hands. Suddenly we hit the ground hard and I gasp as a giant pain goes up my leg and I feel my ankle twist. I pop it back into place in pain but feel the healing in my body start to take over.

"Are you ok?" Eric asks

"Yes we have to keep running." I say and I start to limp as I try to run. Suddenly my feet leave the ground and I am swung into Eric's arms.

"Eric you're slower with me." I say

"I'm not letting you run I can do it." He says and I nod as he continues to run. I yank out my gun and shoot behind us as figures drop down.

"Eric I need to get a better aim!" I exclaim over the pounding feet. He flips me again and I wrap my legs around his waist and aim and shoot beside his head. He continues to run and I continue to shoot.

"There's an opening ahead!" Eric yells to me.

"Go out of it do not stop!" I tell back continuing to shoot.

"We are gonna die!" He yells

"I know. But when we die so do they." I reply

"You don't know that!"

"Yes I do."

"Fine." He says

"Be ready." He yells and I yank bombs out of my back pockets then chuck them repeatedly at the creatures behind us.

"I'm gonna twist you and swing you over my shoulder the opening is too small we need it blown up." Eric says

"Ok." I say and he swings me over his shoulder. I yank out two more bombs and click them on.

"Now!" He yells and I chuck the bombs at the opening just as he jumps. We get through and are airborne. I flip and chuck bombs up at the cave as we fall and then Eric flips and holds my back to his chest and we hit the water below.


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