Chapter 1:

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I hear the feet pounding on the ground behind me getting closer and closer. I hear the rushing water coming up closer and closer. I keep running listening to my breathing. I reach the end of the cliff and I gasp catching myself before I fall. I spin around and see the four men appear in their black capes and black masks.

"It ends here, you have nowhere to run." The leader says and I look around.

"There's always somewhere to run." I say and he smirks taking off his mask. His red eyes blaze into my brown ones well my blue ones right now considering I'm taking on the appearance of a blonde teen with blue eyes.

"No you're ours." He says and his minions lunge at me. I jump backwards off the cliff and flip in the air landing in the water feet first. I yank out my whistle and click it on putting it into my mouth. Instantly air fills my lungs as I kick deeper and deeper swimming and swimming. I hear splashes above me and I kick harder finally reaching the bottom.

I yank out my laser and hold it against the rock watching it cut through. I kick hard at the rock satisfied when it gives. Swimming into the hole I shove the rock back in place. I kick up to surface and gasp for air coughing and swimming over to the rock. I pull myself up just as the banging begins.

I hurry up and light a stick of dynamite just as the door breaks open. The creatures all climb in and I light another dynamite.

"Hey assholes! Catch!" I yell then I chuck the dynamite at them and run.

5 4 3 2 1 I jump off the rock making it through a hole just as the dynamite blows the cave. Before I hit the water I chuck my hook and grab onto the chord and swing landing against the rock. I climb up it and sigh once I hit the ground. But my calmness doesn't stay much as three figures jump from the bushes.

"Oh come on!" I yell and grab three knife disks. They lunge at me and I block their blows killing one right away. I jump over one and kick him hard in the back. He flies forwards and I lunge yanking out my knife as I run at him. He jumps up and I block his blows getting my own in. I back handspring and kick up hearing the satisfying snap as his head whips back and his neck breaks. I slam the knife into his chest then lunge at the last figure he shoves me to the edge of the cliff and I duck as he swings at me. He kicks me and I fly off the cliff. I chuck my hook again and catch myself. I wrap the chord around my waist and jump back up. He tries to throw me off again but I use his momentum and throw him over my shoulder watching as he tumbles down to the blue abyss below.

I grunt as I climb back up the cliff and pull myself up onto the top. I use my knife and cut the chord from my waist and walk over to the two dead creatures. I yank the knives out of both of them and take off sprinting into the forest.

I throw my disk and jump into the purple hole that forms from it. I find myself on the other side of the forest near my home and I shut the disk ending the transportation hole. Looking around for any sight of danger I run towards the dark trees and throw another disk out jumping into the ground and looking up to see the world above close off. I transform back to my natural appearance black hair, brown eyes, and enter the room.

"How many?" Is the first thing asked by my 21 year old brother.

"Ten guarding the dark gate. I was chased out and killed off five in a cave and three more on land. There was over thirteen chasing me." I say yanking my sword from my boot and sharpening it against the rock wall.

"Did any follow you here?" He asks

"No I used two worm holes." I say showing him my disks.

"How many of those did you steal?" He asks

"I wouldn't call it stealing I'd call it borrowing." I say crossing my arms.

"Raven those are not toys." He says

"Neither is this yet I still have it." I say yanking out my sword and swinging it around.

"God you're so immature Raven!" He exclaims and I sigh.

"Josiah you need to breathe I'm not a little girl anymore." I say putting the sword back away and meeting his gaze.

"You're still my little sister!" He exclaims

"Seriously? I'm two years younger then you." I say

"Age means nothing in this world." He says

"Then why are you treating me like a little kid?" I ask

"God I am not gonna have this argument with you right now!" He exclaims

"Good, Josh and Blake come with me." I say and spin away throwing out a disk; watching the purple worm hole open.

"And where do you think you're going!?" Josiah exclaims and I turn around.

"Scavenging." I say

"No, Raven you are staying right here."

"You can't keep me here forever Josiah." I say closing the disk.

"I can right now." He says and I groan

"God I feel like freaking Rapunzel." I say

"Too bad this isn't a fairytale." He says and I scoff.

"Really? Because you're sure acting like the wicked step mother who's trying to keep me locked up for her own needs." I say running my fingers through my hair making it long and blonde.

"Go to you're room." He says and I scoff changing my hair color and length back to normal.

"Whatever." I mumble spinning around and only getting halfway before-

"The disks." He says and I spin around and chuck them at him.

"All of them." He says and I grab the one out of my bra.

"Is that it?" He asks

"Do you wanna pat me down?" I ask holding my arms out to the sides. He snaps his fingers at one of the guards and I scoff.

"Seriously?" I ask as the guard starts patting me down. He reaches my butt and squeezes and I instantly react I spin and flip putting him in a headlock his head between my legs and his arms yanked hard behind his back. He gags for air as I pull tighter.

"Let the man go!" Josiah exclaims

"He was feeling me up!" I yell

"Can't blame the man for trying." One of the guys says.

"You're next." I spit releasing the guard who instantly jumps up and runs back to his spot. I push to my feet and place my hands on my hips.

"Can I go yet?" I ask and he smirks.

"Hand me the guard's disk." I groan and drop it to the ground.

"Pitt pocket and badass, that's nice real nice." A guy says licking his lips and I chuck the damn knife watching it soar through the sky and land an inch from the guys face. He pales and I cross my arms.

"I might be the only god damn girl in this place but I can hold my own so don't A. Feel me up or B. hit on me." I say and all the guys nod as I spin around and head to my room. I shut the door and lock it then flop onto my bed and throw a ball at the wall and catch it. Minutes pass and a knock sounds on my door. I catch the ball then stand up and walk over.

"What?" I ask opening it to a guy I don't recognize.

"Who are you?" I ask and he laughs

"I'm Eric." He says and I raise an eyebrow.

"I clean the weapons and train the new recruits." He says

"Oh yeah I don't know you." I say

"Ya don't say. Ok well anyways Josiah wants me to-"

"Watch me like a hawk yeah I know I know just get in." I say opening the door wider and he laughs.

"Uh thanks for the warm welcoming but I was just sent to tell you dinner was ready." He says

"Oh well ok then be there in a few." I say and he nods turning away and heading back down the hall.

I shut my door and pull my hair into a ponytail then leave my room and head up to the dining room.

Oh this is just gonna be a blast!


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