Chapter 5:

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"Raven wake up." Someone whispers into my ear. I moan and slowly blink open my eyes to no other then Eric looking down at me.

"Get out of my face." I say sitting up

"Well good morning to you too." He says rolling his eyes.

"What time is it?" I ask

"10." He says and I instantly jump out of bed.

"10!?" I exclaim rushing into the closet and pulling on a black tummy short sleeved shirt and black leather skinny pants. I pull on my black army boots and pull my hair out of the ponytail. I walk back into the room and see him lounging on my bed.

"Hey get up we gotta go!" I exclaim slapping him on the leg.

"God what the hell!? Raven you have got to chill!" He exclaims and I scoff

"It's hard to chill when there's freaking demons getting closer and closer to our home! One was already-" I cut myself off quickly hoping he didn't catch my slip up.

"One was already what?" He asks.

Crap he caught it.

"Nothing I spoke wrong." I say too quickly.

God I suck at this....

"Bull. One was what?" He asks standing up and walking over to me. I keep my mouth shut and he pushes me back against the door.

"One was nothing." I say as he presses me more against the door.

"It wasn't a nightmare last night was it?" He asks

"You obviously already know that! I heard you and Josiah last night, you're idiots to think I fell asleep that quickly." I say

"What all did you hear?" He asks

"Every single thing. I heard about you and Josiah knowing it wasn't a nightmare, about you being my fallen guardian angel handler crap, about me nor you being able to leave this damn room until you and my brother find out what was in here, and everything else."

"I guess you-"

"Want an explanation? To hell I do, and I'm not saying what happened last night until you tell me who the hell you are." I say and he sighs backing up some. I take a step towards him to get off the door and cross my arms waiting for an explanation.

"Anytime now." I say impatiently he opens his mouth then suddenly a huge shatter sounds throughout the entire shelter.

"Guess that explanations gonna have to wait." He says yanking out a wicked looking knife. He flicks his wrist and the door flies open.

"Stay in here." He says then the door slams shut behind him.

Like I'm gonna stay in here!

I rush into my closet and yank my sword out of the safe and grab a pistol. I rush over to the door and swing it open and rush out. I sprint down the hall towards the shouting and screaming. Stopping in my tracks when all the noise just vanishes I spin around and gasp. The sound starts again as the gun butt smacks me in the chest. I fly backwards and slam into a rock coughing as I slowly stand up and jump at the monster that knocked me into a wall.

He hisses and I yank out my sword and lunge. He claws me across the face and I cry out as I grip my right cheek, I feel it heal and I smirk at the demon, uncovering my cheek, who looks confused. Now angrier then ever I swing the sword like a baseball bat and cut off his head in one try. I back handspring away as his blood shoots everywhere and land in a crouch away from him.

I race towards the shouts and see the chaos all in the dining room.

"Josiah look out!" I scream as a demon comes up behind him. He spins around and back bends before the sword hits him. I jump up and lunge at the demon and stab my sword through his back. Josiah jumps out of the way as the demon falls forwards.

"Why are you out of your-" a demon drops from the ceiling cutting him off and landing on top of one of our men. The demon opens his mouth and I gasp at the rows of black razor sharp teeth and scream as he closes his mouth on the guys head and bites so hard and quickly. The demon reels up and I scream as the head hangs from it's mouth. The demon turns to face me and spits the head out. It rolls to my feet and I scream chucking the knife at the demon he falls dead and I rush over to Jackson, that's the guys name. I look anywhere but at his headless top.

Another demon drops from the ceiling then more follow. Landing on men and without a second thought biting in and ripping the heads off them.

"Eric! Get her out of here!" My brother screams and I relax some knowing Eric's still alive but I continue to scream as more heads are ripped off of my men and more of my knives pierce the creatures' hearts. Arms wrap around me from behind but I fight Eric off.

"Josiah they'll kill you!" I scream

"Go with Eric I will meet you soon!" He yells killing three more demons.

"Josiah no!" I scream but I can't fight Eric off anymore as a portal opens and the home I once knew vanishes.

"Please be ok." I whisper


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