Chapter 11:

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"Uh Josiah I think we are out of time." I say loading my gun.

"What are you talking about?" He asks

"We have followers." I say and Eric spins around and looks out the rear window.

"How many?" Josiah asks starting to speed up a little.

"3 cars 2 motorcycles. I'd say atleast 15 and that's just so far." I reply

"Damn it. Ok load you're weapons and hold on tight." Eric loads his weapon and Josiah steps on the gas the car revs and the speed is so intense.

"I'm opening the ceiling window be ready to shoot!" Josiah yells and I stand up in my seat. The window bursts open and I pop my head up and start to shoot. The wind is whipping my hair everywhere as I continue to shoot at the cars behind us. I hit one motorcycle wheel and it skids then flips.

"One down!" I yell and aim then shoot again. I squat down and quickly reload then jump back up and shoot again.

"Eric I need some help!" I yell as a motorcycle moves beside us one on each side. I shoot the right side and see him fall off but another man and motorcycle takes his place. Eric pops up beside me and starts shooting as well. I duck yanking Eric down with me as a knife soars at my face. We pop back up and I use my wrist guards to block the other knives.

"Can you go any faster!?" I exclaim and get my answer as the car speeds up again. I'm almost thrown off but I hold on.

"Shit!" I yell as one jumps onto the car. I aim and shoot and he flies off. I watch a separate car ram over him and hear the crunch of bones. I shoot at the cars and watch the windows bust.

"Behind you!" I spin around as a demon jumps at me and I duck back inside of the car just in time I hear a gun go off then Eric squats down beside me.

"I'm out." He says

"Me to." I say

"Guess we are doing this old fashioned." He says and I nod. I jump up and pull myself onto the roof of the car. Eric joins me and we start fighting on a freakin 100mph vehicle! Demons jump on to the roof and I kick them off. I throw out a disk that leads to a cliff about 45 minutes from here and kick four demons into it. I continue fighting and hook my arms through Eric using him as leverage as I push up and kick out slamming my feet into two demons faces. Eric flips me over his back and I kick up knocking three more off as I jump back over him. He chucks knives and demons 1 by 1 fall dead. I throw three more demons into the portal then slam it shut.

"How many do you see?" I ask Eric squatting down on the roof.

"Two more cars but they are far enough back that if we speed up and take back roads we'll loose them." He says and I nod tapping on the roof. It opens and Eric and I jump in.

"Two more cars but we can loose them if we speed up and take back roads." Eric says.

"Ok are you two ok?" Josiah asks speeding up and baring off to the right quickly.

"Yeah." I say still trying to catch my breath.

"Ok." He says and starts cutting to different roads. Eric and I re buckle our seat belts and Josiah continues to drive. I look over at Eric and find him staring at me, feeling self cautious I clear my throat and look back over to him.

"Yes?" I ask and he blinks meeting my eyes.

"Nothing." He says and I nod slowly then lean back against the seat.

"Wake me if we get more visitors." I say to nobody in particular.

"Will do." Josiah says looking over at me quickly then turning back to driving, slowing down to 60mph. I close my eyes and pull my legs to the side feeling myself lean more towards the left but not caring as of now.

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