Chapter 20:

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I kick another rock and look up at the huge hill I just fell down. How am I supposed to get back up there? I kick the dirt then remember the rope I've got in my pack. I drop my pack to the ground and pull out the rope. I tie a slip knot then look up. I see a tree branch sticking out about ten feet above me and I huff. The part I fell down was luckily just the grass and a few rocks now this side? This side I would've probably went unconscious falling down the hill.

"This better work." I mumble. I tie a rock in so there is weight on the rope then I throw up. The first try I miss and I groan. I throw it a second time and basically cheer in joy inwardly as it hooks on. I pull and watch the knot tighten around the branch. I pull hard again then when I am certain it will hold my weight I pull my backpack onto my shoulders and tie the rope around my waist. I put one foot on the rock and pull myself up to the next one. I reach my hand around as high as it'll go and sigh when I catch something. I pull myself up and continue climbing the rocky side. I make it up to the branch and grab on. I untie the rope and dare myself to look down. I should not have done that. I grip onto the wall changing my vision back to above me. The only spot I could send this rope is to the top. I remember the pick axe in the back of my back and I call it to me. It lands in my hand a minute later and while gripping onto the wall I the the axe to the rope and swing it a few times.

I throw it to the top and it catches. Taking a deep breath I grip onto the rope and jump off the wall. I climb the rope my hands stinging as I go. I see the top come to view and I rest my foot on a rock slipping as I go. I scream and catch myself on the rope before I reach the bottom. I cough as I pull the rope harder and harder pulling myself up higher and higher.

After one last try I make it huffing and puffing crouched on the ground. I yank the axe and rope from the ground and stuff it in my backpack. I look around quickly then run taking off towards the trail once again.


A voice, a scream echoes through the woods. I stop in my tracks and panic.


"Raven!" I yell

"Josiah I heard her scream we gotta go." I say and a nods as we take off. He's been quiet and slower since after the elf attack. He put on a strong act around the vampire but something was still off. I catch up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Josiah?" I ask and he turns to face me sweat covering his forehead and cheeks. I look down at his chest and see a blood stain.

"What happened?" I ask

"Nothing just a scratch." He says

"Bullshit. What happened?" I ask and he huffs but rips off his shirt and I shake my head at the black tendrils surrounding his heart.

"Poison arrow." I say

"I was hit. Back while fighting the elves." He says and tips to the side.

"You need to rest." I say pushing him against a tree.

"No I need to find my sister." He says pushing off of it and shrugging me off.

"Josiah you're no good to her dead. You and I both no a poison arrow will take a life easier when that person is too active and stressed." I say

"No, I won't give up on her."

"Josiah stop, you and I both know you need to rest." I say and he huffs but leans back against the tree.

"Valerian!" I call

"No." He says but it's too late, a breeze surrounds us then she's standing there in front of us.

"You called?" She asks

"How'd you find us? Never mind he's been shot by a poison arrow." I say motioning to Josiah. She turns to face him and bends down to his level. She places her hand to his forehead and nods.

"I have something that may help him. But you'd have to turn around." She says

"No." Josiah says and goes to stand up but falls back down.

"Take him back." I say

"No. Eric I want to hel-"

"Stop it she'll hate me if she finds out you died. She'd probably kill herself. You go back with Valerian and get some help. I will stay on the trail and find Raven."


"No. Valerian take him." I say and she nods. Josiah too weak to do anything let's her pick him up and she turns to face me and he opens his eyes.

"You find my sister. And bring her home." He says

"I will." I reply then Valerian nods and it's gone in a flash. I draw my sword and turn back to the path.

"Please don't make this harder then it has to be Raven." I say then am off.


I continue walking on the trail hoping to god Valerian turned the guys around although I have a feeling she didn't. Josiah and Eric don't give up especially on me. She probably got them off my trail but who knows.

If they did by any chance follow me though I hope they stay safe and don't get hurt. I'd die if they got injured or much worse died themselves. I love them both too much to watch then get hurt.

I continue slashing through the woods and make it to a clearing. I look up and notice the sky is darkening it's gonna be night time soon. I huff as I look around and see an old yet tall oak tree. I rush over to it and look up. I pull myself onto the first branch and swing my legs over with a huff. I grab the next branch and pull myself up on that too. I continue pulling myself up and finally reach closer to the top. I look down and can hardly see the ground cause of the so many leaves canopied around me. I lean back in the curve of the tree and wrap the rope around the tree and me tying it in a slip not.

I yank my hair out of the ponytail it's been in all day and ruffle it around then lean back against the tree and pull out my knife. It glistens in the little moonlight slipping through the trees and I put it away. I shut my eyes with a sigh and fall asleep slowly.


I continue walking even as the sky grows dark through the woods chopping branch and leaf after branch and leaf down. My head's pounding, my feet out soar and tired, and I am exhausted. I need rest!

No I will not rest until Raven is safe in my arms I just can't.

I shake my head ignoring the pain and tiredness surrounding me and continue walking chugging water bottle after water bottle as I go. I hear a howl a few miles away from me behind and I growl inwardly. I pick up my pace moving quicker and quicker not once slowing down. The howl and growl gets closer and I sprint as fast as I can. I sprint and sprint scared to slow down. I continue running and see a huge dip up ahead. I reach the top and notice it's a drop down. I look behind me just as a huge wolf breaks free from the woods no more then 15 feet behind me. I spin away from the hill and see a small pathway. I spin around and shoot shooting the wolf twice then I jump through the bushes and land in a crouch on the path. I sprint and sprint the wolves growls, howls, and whimpers getting closer and closer.

There's gonna be more of them if I don't hurry!

I continue running and jump over a stump jutting out of the ground. I look to my right and see the hill I would've gone down if I tripped over that stump.

That would've hurt like hell.

I continue running hearing the wolf getting farther and farther away. I slow down to a quick jog and sigh knowing he's gone. I slow to a walk finally and put my gun away. I look up to the sky more tired then ever and heavily lean back against a tree.

I have to keep going. I tell myself in my mind repeatedly.

I push myself off of the tree and continue on ignoring the darkness pulling at me trying to get me to sleep. I continue walking taking out my water bottle and chugging it.

Where are you Raven?


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