"I've met your dad, Ced," she giggled.

"Yeah, but I want to formally introduce you as my girlfriend."

Lacey smiled at him and nodded her head.

"Do you want to go now? Have you eaten enough?"

"Yeah, let's go."

They walked hand in hand down to the Quidditch Pitch. There was a tent just outside there where the champions would be meeting and just outside it was Mr. Diggory. 

"Cedric! My boy!" He yelled proudly.

"Dad!" He replied back, hugging his father.

"I brought Lacey along so you could meet her properly. Dad, this is my girlfriend, Lacey Ryder-Lupin," he said, almost as proud as Mr. Diggory has been when he saw his son.

"It's great to meet you again Mr. Diggory," she said politely.

"Please, call me Amos. It's lovely to meet you again too, Lacey. You make my son extremely happy."

Lacey smiled at Cedric, "he makes me very happy too, you've raised a wonderful man," she said.

The three of them chatted for a little while and Cedric had to disappear into the tent so Lacey went to go meet up with her friends to watch the task.

The announcer had told them that the first person that had to get passed his dragon was Cedric. He was facing a Swedish Short-Snout and had to get a golden egg from it without getting hurt or dying or having any of the other eggs around the dragon harmed.

Cedric came out confidently and the dragon immediately started to attack him. After a few minutes of him running around trying to dodge the dragons attacks he expertly transfigured a Boulder into a dog and the dragons attention was diverted toward the Labrador. Cedric ran as fast as he could right behind the dragon.

Lacey felt like she was hyperventilating in the stands. This giant dragon was less than five feet away from Cedric. She hoped it didn't realize that Cedric was behind it and spin around and begin attacking him again.

Less than a minute later Cedric had snatched the egg and ran back to the clearing between the tent and the Quidditch Pitch. All of the Hogwarts student clapped and cheered, Lacey being the loudest of all of them. 

Fleur Delacour was next and after that was Viktor Krum. Both of them did well, but Lacey thought Cedric did the best. Fleur had charmed the dragon, but it snored and her robe was caught on fire. Krum used the Conjunctivitus curse, but the dragon ended up damaging other eggs.

Harry Potter was last, and definitely not least. The dragon he had to get passed was the scariest looking dragon Lacey had ever seen. A fire breathing Hungarian Horntail.

After running around trying to dodge the fire, Hermione started yelling at the top of her lungs for Harry to use his wand. He summoned his broom and flew around, much faster in the air then on his feet. The Horntail's chains broke and Harry took off toward the castle, trying to get away from it.

Back in the stands everyone was silent. No one dared to make any noise in case the dragon heard and came back for them. The professors were silently panicking and working on a way to get the dragon and Harry back safely.

After what felt like forever, Harry zoomed back and picked up the egg with the dragon close behind him, but the task was finished and all four champions were okay!

Lacey felt elated that the task was over. Hoping the rest wouldn't be so dangerous. The judges announced the scores. Harry and Krum came in first with forty points. Cedric was behind them with thirty eight points, and Fleur was last.

Lacey went to find Cedric and Harry so she could tell them how proud she was of them.

Went she got into the medical tent Cho Chang was there hugging Cedric. She felt odd because she didn't even know they were friends. She walked up to them and Cho moved back and looked guilty for some reason.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Lacey asked her boyfriend.

"Great now that you're here."

Lacey kissed him passionately in front of Cho and she left.

"You did amazingly. I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you, I was really nervous. Could you tell?"

"Not at all!" She said, "anyways, you're probably tired and I think I heard the Hufflepuffs saying they're throwing you a party so enjoy your night! I'll see you in the morning?"

"Absolutely. I love you," he said, kissing her again.

"I love you too, Cedric."

She walked back to the Gryffindor common room alone and walked into a full blown party for Harry. She went to him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Great job Harry! First place!"

"Thanks, Lace," he said, hugging her back.

She went and found Fred and George by the fire and sat down on the couch. She was exhausted.

"Hey guys, I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm really tired."

"Goodnight, Lacey," George said.

"Goodnight, Love," Fred said.

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