Wenesday. Whensday? Wedesday?? When-is-day...

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MT and Chris made the four of us stand still outside on the grounds for 10 minutes at around 1am as our punishment. 

Every time one of us made a noise, moved or talked, they added another minute. We ended up going to sleep at 2:10 in the morning because Mikayla and Serenity could not stop making remarks and quips like they wanted to be the main characters of a Marvel movie.

One of the girls in the other dormitory, Lord bless her soul, was so traumatized she ran all the way to MT's cabin and snitched on us which is how we ended up here. I think it was Ronate. How did she even find her way back to camp?

We were all sleeping at our Mess Hall table by the time it was breakfast.

"That's what you idiots get for messing with us," Focaccia snickered as she walked past our table,"Naughty girls get their sleepy-time taken away from them."

At the same time, we boo-ed and hissed at her so loudly and suddenly, she jumped in fright and hurried away.

Breakfast ended and the counselors made us gather outside in the courtyard.

"Morning, girls!" Chris said cheerfully but was meet with low, mumbled, unenthusiastic greetings and one cheerful,"Hello, Chris!"

He sighed sadly.

"Hello, girls," MT deadpanned and everybody yelled back enthusiastically,"Hello, MT!!"

Chris gave her a look and she just shot him a smug grin.

"Due to yesterday's incidents with my group," he shook his head, remembering the disastrous day that was yesterday,"We have decided that you will all be required to wear safety gear whenever you partake in an activity."

He held up a helmet in one hand and knee pads in the other. We stared silently at the ugly, red safety gear.

"You can all blame Railway-Train-Tracks for this."

Every girl turned to glare at Rose who was looking at Chris with a what-the-hell look on her face. 

"This is an example of what you girls will be wearing; a safety helmet, knee pads and a life jacket when you go swimming," MT said, pointing to each item as she named them like she was a weather girl. Serenity, Mikayla, Tanya, Tony and I began booing loudly as Courtney giggled," Hey, guys, don't be like that! We just want to avoid lawsuits and tedious court visits!"

"And!" Chris added, chuckling nervously," And we care about your safety! I cannot stress that enough; we care about your safety!"

"We should've already been wearing life jackets while swimming!"  Ruby pointed out.

"Yeah, well, we forgot about them," MT protested, pointing back.

"You forgot?"

"Listen...mentally...I'm at a beach in Durban," MT fantasized, staring up as if seeing her beach," so of course I'm gonna forget things like safety."

"We came to camp to get fucked anyways!" Serenity yelled. Tony cheered and clapped.

" 'She doesn't even go here'," I quoted, reminding my friends of how she had ended up here.

"And, and! We also need to address your manners and language!" Chris pointed accusingly at Serenity," It's only been three days but MT and I have noticed you girls are constantly cussing and insulting each other! I think it's about time we had a little talk!"

"Yeah, you ladies need to learn to watch your fucking mouths. You swear like drunken motherfuckers stumbling out of a fucking shebeen at 1AM in the fucking morning!" MT said, furrowing her eyebrows in anger and Chris just looked at her like this: ಠ_ಠ.

The Girlies of Camp BhubesiWhere stories live. Discover now