Tuesday cont.

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"What are you fools up to?" Serenity asked, loudly pounding on their door.

They immediately went silent and a few seconds later, one of the girls opened the door, poking her head out. Her eyes were half-lidded in annoyance.

Oh, it was just Ramsay.

"What do you want?" She asked us, holding the door slightly ajar to hide whatever they were doing in there.

"Please,"Mikayla started,"Keep quiet. Some people are trying t-"

"Let them in, Rimothy," we heard Focaccia say and Ralph stepped aside to reveal the other girls sitting in a circle in the middle of the room...Like they were holding a seance or something. Suspicious...

Focaccia had an evil smile on her face, one that meant trouble but I was too tired to realise.

"Come in for what?" Mikayla asked her, her eyes growing in suspicion.

"To come in and play a friendly game of Truth and Dare, of course!" Focaccia replied, throwing her hands up in the air,"Who wants to start?"

The dares thrown back and forth between Focaccia's group and Mikayla's group were boring: a nice example is when some girl named Brit dared another girl, Chloe, to take off her pajama top for the rest of the game so now she sat in her sports bra and pajama pants.

It began to get exciting when Tanya dared Tony to go summon Bloody Mary in our bathroom. We all giggled with glee as we tiptoed out the dormitory and crossed the dirt road. We watched as Tony walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

"Bloody Mary one..." she said loudly so we could hear her outside,"Bloody Mary two...Bloody Mary three!"

For some odd reason, the bathroom's lightswitch was built on the outside next to the door which was perfect for Focaccia who flicked it off. Some of us began banging on the door and making ghost noises as if to announce the arrival of Bloody Mary. We all burst out shrieking with laughter a few seconds later, and when we didn't hear Tony banging the door, demanding us to let her out or laughing with us, our laughing faltered away and Courtney slowly opened the bathroom door.

There Tony was, sprawled on the floor, her eyes shut. We stared down at her body for a few minutes, not knowing what to do.

"Is she dead?" One of the girls finally asked.

"We could always feed her to the lion cubs to get rid of the evidence," Serenity said, already pulling off one of Tony's shoes.

"She just fainted, you dingaling" Focaccia pointed out.


"We'll just carry her, leave her in her bed and pretend like nothing happened," she shrugged,"Courtney, Raspberry, Jasmine, carry her."

Ronnie sighed.

"I'm just happy to be a part of something," she said.

We walked back to their dormitory where they placed Tony in her bed. Like a loving mother, Courtney pulled Tony's blankets over her body up until her chin and then kissed her forehead.

"The game must go on," one of the girls demanded,"I'm not tired."

"Me too," Chloe said.

"Me three," I shrugged.

"Me five," Serenity continued.

"No, honey, you skipped a number," Mikayla pointed out.


"This time round, the dares must be...daring," I said,"Give dares like 'I dare ya'll to get naked and jump in the fountain in front of the guests' cabins' or something."

The Girlies of Camp BhubesiWhere stories live. Discover now