Chapter 9

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"They what?!" The one in the owl mask yelled as he picked up the pistol on the ground.

"They escaped!" The one in the monkey mask exclaimed, slightly cowering. "We woke up and they were gone!"

"How can five of them knock all of us out?!"

"Being smart?" Wildcat stated the obvious.

Vanoss sighed. "At least we have Toonz working some stuff out." The owl took his mask off, rubbing his temple. "Go get some rest. We will get more information tomorrow."

Everyone nodded and headed to their rooms.

Brian opened his door and shut it after entering. He walked over to his bed, sitting down and placing his face in his hands. What am I going to do? If the others find out...

A knock was on his door and anxiety overwhelmed him. "Open." The door creaked as a man in a sunset tank top walked in. "Hey Moo, what's up?"

"Tyler is yelling at Nogla," He rolled his eyes at the thought of the two people who have their rooms on either side of his own. "I need some peace and quiet."

"Well, you're welcome here." Brian pointed towards a chair, motioning for him to take a seat, which Moo accepted.

"Thanks." Moo looked around the room. "Evan is stressed right now."

"Yeah," Brian sighed. "Why does he want them so badly though?"

His friend shrugged. "No clue. I know they're the best heist group, but that doesn't add up onto why he's so focused on them. He could've easily had gone for the one below and built his way up."

"Plus, he would've just killed them." Brian added. Moo nodded.

"He's just another Delirious, I guess."

"A mystery."


The two sat in silence, each in their own thoughts.

Brock yawned soon after. "I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

Brian nodded. "Same."

Brock left the room, shutting the door behind him and Brian exhaled the breath he didn't know he was holding in. He changed into a pair of sweatpants, brushing his teeth and then going to his bed, collapsing on top of it.

time skip to morning

"What information did you get?" The Canadian-Asian held the phone to his ear.

"They plan to move locations." The man on the other line explained. "No one has any suspicions."

"Good. Make sure to keep me updated."

"Will do, boss."

The phone call ended, and the leader leaned back in his chair, taking a deep breath and running his hands down his face.

"Boss?" The door opened, and the leader turned to see who it was.


"Breakfast is ready."

"Thanks, Nogla. I'll be there in a second."

The door shut once more, leaving Evan in his own world. He looked over at the bulletin board, viewing many photos.

At the top were photos of each member in The Outsiders, them all in their masks. A piece of thread connected the photos to one below them, each of the members unmasked, question marks next to them, indicating the photos to not be absolute. He looked at (c/n)'s masked picture, his eyes following the thread to the photo, showing-

"BREAKFAST!" Nogla's deep Irish voice was heard across the house. The leader turned and walked out of the room, his stomach starting to growl at the scent of the food.


"The food is really good, Nogla." Terroriser complimented as he shoved the last piece of bacon on his plate into his mouth.

"Thanks." Nogla couldn't even stop himself from eating the food. "I think I inproved a lot when it comes to cooking."

"That, I agree with." The pig added.


(Y/N)'s POV 

I was awoken once again by my grey huskey, laughing and petting her head as my eyesight straightened up. I wiped the slobber off of my face that Harley left behind.

I leaped out of bed and went to my mirror, grabbing my brush from the small table nearby, brushing my hair thoroughly.

I sighed as I thought about the plans for the future; a new house, new outfits and masks, new identities, so much in so little time.

Smitty had offered to make breakfast, which I didn't object to.

I took one last look in the mirror before leaving my room and into the kitchen, where Smitty was cooking bacon, the smell making my mouth water.

"Can I help you?" He noticed my presence.

"Just checking in on you." I chuckled.

"Wow, are you saying I would burn the kitchen down?"

"I never said that."

"But you were thinking it."

"Was not!"

"Whatever." Smitty rolled his eyes and laughed. He turned serious in a matter of seconds. "What are you going to do about moving?"

"I don't know, if I'm honest. I know we need a house and basically new everything, with barely any time at all." I tried my best to hide my stress, but Smitty noticed and walked over to me, giving me a hug.

"It's okay (n/n), you'll find a way. You always do." He mumbled as he laid his head on mine, rubbing my back.

I chuckled as I hugged him back. "Thanks, Smit."

"Of course. That's why I'm here."

We stayed hugging for a few minutes, not talking. I took a deep breath, catching the smell of something burning.


"OH MY GOD!" He broke the hug and ran to the stove.

"I knew you would burn something!"

"So that is why you checked on me!"


So um.. Hey! I'm alive! (Sadly) So... Umm... Merry Christmas for when that day comes (in 5 days). Thanks for the support on this almost dead book, you all are amazing! So sorry for the inactiveness(if that's a word). Love you all! I hope you guys dont hate me😂💞

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