Chapter 2

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NateWantsToBattle's new music video for his song 'Branded' is amazing! I love it so much!

(C/N)= code name
(Y/N)= your name

"I said I called dibs on the last piece of bacon!"

"Bitch no, it's mine!"

Smitty snatched the last piece of bacon, leading to all the boys glare at him. "Ha, idiots!" He raised his hand up that had the piece of food, only to realize his hand was empty. "WHAT THE-?!"

"Nice one Harley." (Y/N) laughed as she took another bite of her pancakes.

Smitty looked over at the husky, who was finishing up the strip of deliciousness. "You little bitch!"

"Who's the idiot now?" Mark asked, snickering. Everyone laughed.

"Haha, very funny Mark!" Smitty glared at him. "At least there's more bacon on my pl-" He looked down at his plate to see it empty. "WHERE THE HELL DID MY BACON GO?!" He looked up to see (Y/N) snicker. "(Y/N)!"

"Why are you blaming me?" She asked, then lightly burping after.

"That's why."

"It wasn't me I swear!" She lied, sneaking a piece to Ohm, giving it to him under the table.

time skip

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I finished up the dishes and went in the living room to see the boys playing Mario Kart.

"AND THE RESULTS ARE IN!" Ohm exclaimed, rage in his tone. I looked on the television and saw:
1 Smii7y
2 Jack
3 Mark
4 Ohm

I clapped my hands together, earning their attention. "Alright, training time! Go get your gear and head out to warm up!" Everyone stood up and started to leave, then Mark stopped.

"Wait," He raised his hand in the air, and turned to me. "What are you going to wear to train? Your jumpsuit is trashed!"

"Dammit, you're right...." I remembered the fight between us and a rival gang that we like to nickname as The Asshats. They consisted of 5 men, so it was pretty easy to fight them. Bad thing was that I was set up against the leader, who was really skilled with knives. Let's just say it wasn't the prettiest fight. We won the fight, but my jumpsuit ended up being extremely ruined to where I couldn't even use sewing to fix it up.

"Go get one from Anthony. I'll keep an eye on the guys." He pat my back and ran to catch up with the team.

time skip

I walked down the street on the 'other side' of the town. This side was full of gangs, drug dealers, black marketers, excetera. Not even the cops dare to come over here.

I stood in front of the shop, seeing he repainted the outside of it. Its dark brown wood now a royal blue, and the molding to be a black, along with the black letters spelling, "Chilled's guns and weapons: all you need for the best prices" Though the title is 'guns and weapons', he also sold clothing, which is where I got my previous suit. Anthony was a really nice guy, and as most girls would say: cute. Though its not like I fell in love with the guy, I only thought of him as a best friend, even thought of him as a brother.

I opened the black door in front of me and heard a bell ding as I entered. "Chilled!" I called, as I didn't see him at the counter.

"In the back! Be right out!" Around thirty seconds later and he came out from the storage room door that was next to the front of the counter. "Nice to see you again!" He walked up to me and gave me a hug, which I returned.

"Nice to see you too!" We parted our small hug and he went behind the counter.

"So, how have you been?" He started typing on the laptop in front of him.

"Good. Just on missions and heists with the boys. Speaking of which, my last suit got fucking destroyed. I need a new one."

He nodded in response and went back into the storage room. He came back out with a hanger with a white sheet of some sort covering the clothing underneath.

"That fight turned out to be so badass, news got around. To be honest, who wouldn't share the news on how the best heist team beat the shit out of another great heist team?" He handed me the hanger containing the suit. "Everyone was talking about how you guys got pretty beat, including the other team, so I did some research and got you an even better suit. Its got thicker layering and is fireproof. Since it has the same design as your previous one, they'll underestimate you." He uncovered the white sheet and revealed the suit. (suit up above)

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed, picking up one of the sleeves.

"Yep, and I'm giving it to you for free!" He added.

"What?! Chilled, you can't be serious!"

"Just think of it as an early birthday gift. It is in a month so I mean...."

I set the suit on the counter and gave him a tight hug. "Thank you." I mumbled into his chest.

He chuckled, returning the hug. "Your welcome."

I suddenly remembered that I had a group of boys at the base, waiting for me to arrive. "OH SHIT!" I broke the hug and grabbed the suit. "My boys are waiting for me! Gotta train!"

He snickered. "Nice job remembering."

"Fuck off. Anyways, I'll see you soon!" I started to run out of the place, until I bumped against something, or someone.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for about a couple weeks but here you go! Kind of a bad chapter but, oh well. Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you all later! Peace!

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