Chapter 8

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"I'm all alone! There's nobody here beside me!" The red haired male sang as he was bored.

"I'm right here!" The irish man exclaimed.

"Jack has gone missing! And is no where to be found!" Mark continued singing, earning a slap on the arm by Jack.

"Fucking prick. And you might want to quiet down. The last time you sang, you got your ass beat." He pointed at the black eye on Mark's face.

"They can suck my dick!" Mark exclaimed before continuing to sing.

A few minutes later, Jack hushed him, hearing footsteps. "Great job, Mark!"

"Thanks." Mark smiled. "DID YOU COME FOR A DICK SUCK?!"

"Ew, fuck no!" The feminine's voice widened the duo's eyes.

"(C/N)!" They exclaimed at the same time, running up to the door of the cell.

"Good to see you boys are okay!" Smitty opened the door as she rushed inside to make sure the duo was okay.

"We know where they put our stuff!" Jack exclaimed.

"Lead us there!" The brunette followed the two with his best friend by his side. He looked over at her, her face filled with anxiety and terror, though she tried to hide it.

"You okay?" He whispered to (Y/N), who turned to him, nodding. He gave her the 'I don't believe you' look.

She sighed in defeat. "We need to find a first aid kit for Ohm. He's seriously injured and now that Jack is here, he can help Ohm."

"He will be fine. We just need to grab our stuff and find Nanners and them. Then all of us can help Ohm."

"Right here, guys!" Mark whispered loudly as he handed us our weapons and gave Smitty his phone.

With Smitty being the hacker of the gang, he has his phone, normally, at all times. And since they are one of the best gangs, it's best to know where everyone is, in case if something happened, like today. They each had an implanted tracker that Smitty would be able to use to look for his friends.

Smitty typed on his phone, locating the whereabouts of their other crew. His head tilted to the side. "It says that they are at the base?" He looked up at the female, earning a shrug.

"Why would they be at the base?" Mark asked. "They would've looked for us," Mark paused. "Right?"

"Maybe running was their only option?" (Y/N) guessed. "At least they're safe. Let's grab a first aid kit and get Ohm some help."

"Wait, what happened to Ohm?" Jack panicked slightly.

"He has a pretty good amount of bullet wounds. Nothing you can't fix." Smitty explained.

Jack nodded. "Let's go."

They made their way towards their wounded member, carefully but quickly cutting the corners and racing down the halls.

They got to Ohm's cell, gasping as they saw him tied up, and a gun to his head. "One move and he is gone." The person holding the gun exclaimed, as they noticed it was the robot dude.

"Actually Jack, I think there's one bullet wound you can't fix...." Smitty whispered.

"Great job tying them up, Smitty!" Ohm exclaimed.

"I tried my best!" The brunette yelled.

"Enough talk!" The robot yelled, an Irish accent laced in his voice.

"What do you want?" (Y/N) asked, hiding her terrified expressions.

"Your identities." He responded, clicking the gun.

"That's it?" Jack asked, looking towards Mark, who gave a shrug.

"I have plans for it."

"Why didn't you just find out who we were when we were unconscious?" Mark looked at the dude like he was stupid.

"Boss said not to, so we can reveal all of you at once with everyone around."

Smitty stepped forward, his hands at the bottom of the mask. He slowly lifted the mask up until his whole face was shown; his brunette hair, hazel eyes, peach skin.

Jack did the same, showing his green hair, blue eyes, slightly paler skin.

Mark followed his best friend, and as soon as he was finished, they turned towards the female, waiting for her.

She looked over at Ohm, who was shaking his head, telling her not to. She looked back at the gunholder and stepped forward with her friends, unmasking herself.

The robot wannabe froze, remembering her face. His heart dropped as he realized what he had been doing. He dropped his gun from her friend's head and allowed them to grab him. "Get out of here." He looked at (Y/N). "Now."

"Wait, what?" Smitty looked just as confused as the rest of them.

"I said, get out of here!" He gently picked up Ohm, giving him to the brunette. "Now."

"You're just letting us go?" (Y/N) looked at the robot.

"Yes. Now go!" He shoved them out of the cell, away from the sight of anyone besides them. He took his sunglasses off and looked at (Y/N), who finally realized who he was.

"B-Brian?" She stopped as her gang kept running towards the exit. She smiled at him. "Thank you."

He nodded as he watched her continue running with her gang.

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