Chapter 7

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"Oh my god! I am so happy you're okay!" She ran up to the brunette, hugging him.

"I was so worried about you!" He hugged her back, not wanting to let go.

After a few seconds of pure silence and embracing, they broke apart. "We need to tie them before they wake up." The leader looked at her friend, who nodded.

Before they wasted any more time, they quickly tied the guys up into chairs, making sure they had no way to escape.

"How did you get out?" The female asked the brunette.

"Long story that I am not willing to get into." He shook is head, shaking the memory.

"Was it that bad?" His best friend looked at him with fearful eyes.

The male said nothing except for, "You'll see."

Fear was shown in her eyes but she nodded, and started preparing for the worst.

He put his hand on her shoulder. "Let's go get the others."

"Do you know where they are?"

"I only know where Ohm is. The rest we will have to find without being caught. I knocked out a few of them, but I don't know if there's anymore of them."

"Is Ohm okay?" Smitty held sorrow in his eyes as he looked into (Y/N)'s hopeful ones. "Smitty.... no.... don't tell me." Tears brimmed her eyes.

"I... don't know if he will make it, he was injured pretty badly. I couldn't see much. He distracted them so I could take them down. He wanted me to find you and not worry about him."

She hugged Smitty as tight as she could, tears starting to roll down her (s/c) face. "Let's go find him." Smitty nodded and held her as they walked down to the cell.

"(Y/N)!" She rose her head up, hearing her masked friend calling her. He was sitting against a wall, a smile on his face at the sight of her okay. She ran towards him and opened the cell door, running to him and embracing him. He groaned in pain, and she immediately let go.

"What happened?" She asked, worried.

"Nothing Jack can't handle when we get out of here." Ohm grinned through his pain as he showed the bullet wound in his shoulder, hiding the others from her. "I'm fine, really."

As much as he tried to hide it, the leader saw the bullet wounds located on the sides of his torso and legs. "You are not fine!" She exclaimed. "Smitty, tell him he's no-" she turned to see him tying up the men he took out to escape.

She studied them: a man in a Finn outfit, a man in a paper bag mask, green shirt and jeans, and one that looked like a robot with a knockoff Terminator outfit. She thought she was crazy, but thought she had seen the robot before, just not looking like that.

"What did you say, (N/N)?" Smitty used her nickname, hoping it would calm her down, which obviously didn't.

"Tell him he's not okay!" She exclaimed as Ohm rolled his eyes.

"I am fine!" He raised his head to Smiity, giving him a look.

Smitty knew it wasn't okay to lie to his best friend, but it was for the sake to calm her down. He knelt down beside her and placed a hand over her shoulder. "He will be okay. We need to find the others."

She turned to face him. "We are not leaving him like this."

"I will be fine," Ohm tried to convince her. "You tied them up. They can't hurt me."

"But what if there are more?" She argued. "They will kill you!" She couldn't bare the thought of that happening.

Smitty knew he wouldn't be killed and that (Y/N) had a wild imagination, but that was just how she was. Overprotective of her friends, though he didn't blame her, especially with her past. "(N/N), we have to go, now." He quietly said as he tried to get her to stand up.

"No." She shook her head. "I am staying with Ohm."

"No, you will not." Her masked friend butted in. "You will find the others." An idea formed in his head. "The others could be hurt worse than me, even dead! You have to help them!"

Realization hit her and she widened her eyes. "You're right." She started worrying even more and grabbed Smitty's arm. "Let's go." She turned towards Ohm. "We will be right back. Don't move."

"Don't plan on it." Ohm joked as the other two ran out.

(Y/N), please be safe.

He won't be moving anytime soon..

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