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Okay, I've gotta apologize since I haven't updated this in so long. The notebook that I was writing this in was mostly destroyed. I was able to save a lot of it, but the majority of this next chapter will be rewritten, unfortunately. Though, I never forgot about the plot for this story! Updates will probably be pretty slow considering that the school year is almost here... and I'm starting out at a new school which is overwhelming. Not to mention, all of my classes are advanced so I probably won't have very much down time. Plus, it isn't all that easy to type on a laptop with long acrylic nails. But enough about me, onto the chapter!


The stars were a lot prettier in America. They seemed to shine brighter and they were positioned differently, making new constellations visible. California had a lot more to offer than Korea did, and Keith liked that.

Keith Kogane had been home schooled by his mother in Korea all throughout high school up until she passed away in the middle of the summer. Keith was devastated that he lost her since she meant everything to him. Now, all he had left was his brother Shiro.

Later, near the end of the summer, Keith moved back to America to live with Shiro and finish up school. He hadn't been to public school in such a long time, so of course Keith was nervous and anxious about his first day.

Upon looking at the available courses he could take, he chose his electives and the clubs he wanted to join. He decided on taking drama and visual communications for the semester and continuing them all throughout the school year. Thankfully, he didn't have to take P.E. this year since he got those credits taken care of while he was home schooled. Keith wasn't really into running and sweaty gym uniforms, anyways. He preferred hand-to-hand combat instead.

Keith wasn't necessarily "ecstatic" as one would say to continue his classes at a school he wasn't yet used to. Moving to a new place and changing schools meant that he had to start a new life, and Keith did not enjoy that fact one bit.

As he was attempting to count the stars, Shiro opened the door to the back yard, startling Keith out of his thoughts. He closed the door behind him, sitting down in the grass next to Keith where he laid.

Keith sighed, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He looked over to Shiro as if he was asking for validation. That this was all real and not one long nightmare in which he couldn't wake up from, no matter how long his alarm would yell at him to wake up. To realize that reality is all just in his head or if maybe, just maybe, he had been in a comatose dream-state where he could never escape.

He didn't want to believe that this was his life now. Where he had to start over just because his mother had died unexpectedly after leaving the house. She had left for work, unbeknownst to the fact that she would never return home to her son after her body was supposedly found in a wreckage caused by a speeding semi-truck in the wrong lane.

No, Keith couldn't possibly believe it. He held back a sob and blinked rapidly to keep the tears from flowing, but it was already too late. Salty, emotion-filled tears spilled over from his eyes as Shiro pulled the younger raven-haired boy into a hug. Keith hiccuped, trying his hardest to regain composure. Even Shiro himself had to keep himself from crying so he could comfort his younger brother.

As soon as Keith had calmed down and the tears had dried from his face, the two boys stood up and went inside. The next day, the both of them had school and needed their rest for the upcoming events.

"Shiro," Keith began, "do you think they'll like me?"

Shiro gave Keith a soft look before replying, "of course. And if they don't, you already know some people there. Do you remember Pidge, Matt's little sister?"

Keith snickered and nodded, crossing his arms and giving a sly look.

"Oh, Matt? Your oblivious boyfriend? Yeah, I remember him and his sister. What about them?"

Shiro became flustered, retorting, "first of all, he's not my boyfriend-"

"You sure'd want him to be, though, the way you're blushing," Keith interrupted.

"That's besides the point!" Shiro exclaimed as his cheeks were invaded with shades of bright red before continuing. "Pidge attends the same school that you'll be starting at tomorrow."

Keith immediately lit up as soon as he heard the news that Shiro had just shared with him. He was so happy to see his old best friend once again after all this time. He jumped up, now over-the-top excited for his first day of school after arriving back in America.

"Wait, really? Shiro, that's- I- yes! This makes the first day so much better now!"

Keith ran up the stairs, changing into his night clothes before reading over his assigned schedule again for what seemed like the trillionth time.

Period 1 - Calculus

Period 2 - Newspaper (English Credit)

Period 3 - Physics


Period 4 - Technical Theatre

Period 5 - Photography

Period 6 - Civics

And once he was done staring at and memorizing his schedule for another two minutes, he set it down on his nightstand next to his bed. He sat there for a moment before deciding that he should probably start getting ready for bed now.

After his nightly routine, he turned off his lights and laid down in the dark underneath as he stared up at the ceiling. What was awaiting him at this new school could be anything. That was rather unnerving, now that he'd really stopped to take a moment and think about it. New school, new people, hell even a different country.

His mind was racing and he just couldn't seem to get it to be silent for long enough for him to succumb to sleep. Unfortunately, that didn't happen for about another hour after some more thoughts and pointless ideas had passed through his head. Hopefully things would go right... hopefully. And maybe, just maybe, he could make his parents proud of him if the two of them were watching down on him right now.


Words: 943
Characters: 5,235

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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