"Hi?" She said. I came back to my senses. Okay, that is totally embarrassing. Did she just caught me staring?

"Hi." I replied and face in front.

But I just realized that it is more awkward. The guy looked at me with a sweet smile on his face.

"Seungmin Kim. And you are?" He asked and offered his hand for a handshake.

"Night." I replied and saw his smile gets even wider.

"Okay, all the transferees come in front and introduce yourself." The teacher announced that made us all properly seated.

I went in front and I can feel that all eyes are on me.

"Good morning. I'm Night Perishyll Frances Jeon. Hope we can all be friends." This is the first time I wished to be friends with anyone and I think it is because of him, Seungmin Kim.

The classes ended and I immediately stand up from my seat and went out of the classroom.

"Wait Night!" A manly voice was heard on the hallways. I just continued walking and ignore whoever it is who is calling.

I went to the cafeteria and order food for lunch.

"I was calling you a while ago." Seungmin said and put his food on my table.

"What do you want?" I asked. I don't wanna sound rude but I'm afraid I'll make the atmosphere awkward.

"Woah! Just chill. I'm here to be your friend." He said. I didn't reply and continued eating.

"I just want to ask. What's the meaning behind your name?"

He caught my attention. No one ever asked me that question.

"It is because my parents meet at Paris, France during Christmas Eve. And they also died in Paris." I explained. He opened his mouth and then closed it again, hesitating to talk.

In the middle of eating, he chuckled while looking at his phone. I looked at him with confusion. He may noticed it so he looked up to me.

"Oh! I have to show you something." He said and typed something on his phone. The thing that I've noticed about Seungmin is that he is really talkative. He is surely fun to be with. But I'm no fun. He'll just get bored with me.

"I sent my sister the bookmark I made yesterday and she loves the quote so much that she wants to go here to get it." He chuckled and face his phone to me.

"Eve?" I asked. That is my pen name. Is there anyone who also use it?

"Yeah. I saw it on the bus three days ago." He stated. I stopped eating for a moment and realized that it was me who wrote that quote.

"I actually want to meet this girl. I bet she's bubbly and funny. Even though I haven't seen her personally, I like her already. There is something in me who wants to connect with her." He said while looking at the ceiling, obviously imagining things.

"I bet she's just bored." I faked a laugh.

"What? If that's what she do when she's bored, I'm more excited to meet her." Fvck! How can I change his mind?

We finished eating while Seungmin is still smiling, so amused about the girl. About me. We walked together to the classroom with a lot of eyes on us. I know Seungmin is a famous guy in school.

"Seungmin, I'll go to my locker first. You go ahead." He nodded and continued walking.

I went to my locker and grabbed the box with my sticky notes in it. All the sticky notes aren't empty. There are quotes written in it. I'll bring this at my apartment for safety. I don't want anybody to know that I am Eve.

"What's that?" Mina asked.

"Something personal." I said and went to my seat.

• • • • •

Seungmin's POV

I'm about to go home when a sticky note flew over the classroom.


If a person want to leave you, let them. Don't force someone to be part of your life if they don't want to.


Eve? I fished out my phone from my pocket and look on my gallery. I look at the ticket I sent to my sister and saw the writer's pen name.

"Sht! Sht! Sht!" I looked at Night who is panting while searching something on her desk.

"What happened, Night?" I asked. I knew her just today but my concern is real. The whole time we are at the cafe, I know she is sincere. She is always silent because obviously she doesn't know how to interact with people. I'm like that before so I understand her.

"I am finding something with 111 in it." She answered me. I looked on the sticky note I have.

"Is this what you are finding?" I raised the note.

She grabbed the note and breath deeply. "Thanks."

"So you are Eve?"

"That's my deepest secret." She mentioned.

"If you are Eve, then I like you."

• • • • •

Don't know what's the point of this story but hey, I worked hard for this haha

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