the end

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^^their date place (just picture it at night)

"Did I dress good for the date? You literally just said dress casual so this is what I did." Zach asked while looking over at Jack driving.

"What's with you always wanting to have perfect clothes?"

"I don't know.."

"You actually dressed perfectly. The t-shirt we bought and one of my ripped jeans are perfect for where we are going." Jack told.

"Where are we going? It's about to get dark out."

Jack blushed and quietly spoke, "I've always wanted to watch the sunset with someone, it's always seemed so romantic and cliche and I love it! I found this small lake with a bridge going across it and it looks really nice. I think we'd have an amazing view of the sunset from there. Unless you don't want to. You d-"

"Ramen, it sounds amazing." 

Jack smiled and continued driving.

"We're here." Jack told and hopped out of the car. He quickly ran over to Zach's side to open the door for him. Zach blushed and thanked him.


"This is really beautiful." Zach spoke while leaning on the bridge. The sun had started to set and Jack was more than happy.

"It really is."

"You're more beautiful though," Zach quietly spoke, "Sorry! That sounded so cliche! I meant it though..." 

Jack blushed, "So are you." 

As Jack stared at the sunset, Zach was unknowingly staring at the boy beside him. He reached over and slipped his hand into his. Jack shyly looked over his shoulder. A pinch of doubt flashed through Zach's eyes but was quickly washed away when Jack squeezed his hand.

"They fit perfectly." Jack spoke. 


"Our hands. They fit perfectly."

Zach looked at their connected hands and his stomach swarmed with butterflies, "Mhm."

Zach noticed Jack staring at him. It made him self-conscious, but he was unable to look away once their eyes had met. 

He admired Jack's features, from his glasses-covered eyes to his peach coloured lips that he suddenly had the urge to connect with his own. He'd thought against it, but when Jack suddenly leaned closer he couldn't help himself. 

Jack removed his glasses and put them in Zach's hair. He connected both of his hands with Zach's and wrapped their hands around Zach's torso all while looking him straight in the eye. Them being so close, their breathing's mixed.

"Can I-" Jack withered voice whispered, his hot breath on Zach's lips making him shiver. Zach closed his eyes and leaned closer, "Please."

Jack closed his eyes and connected his lips with Zach's. The sun completely had gone down, leaving the two boys and the moon as their spotlight.

And that's all Zach needed for himself to be happy. As he moved his lips against Jack's he realized that the boy in front of him has been his ray of sunshine through all of his darkest times, and that he wouldn't mind spending a lot more of his time with the idiot kissing him.



just kidding! there's a epilogue 


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