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the ride to jacks flat was full of laughter and happiness. jack let zach use the aux cord and use his phone to play one direction. they were having a great time, until zach playfully changed the song to 'never gonna give you up'. to his surprise, jack knew the whole song by heart and screamed out the lyrics while at a red light. zach tried to shush him, as the cars beside them were disturbed and he was sure he heard a baby start crying, jack didn't.

"you idiot, you need to shut up!" zach yelled over the song while hitting jack in the leg.


as jack painfully screamed the letter 'i' zach turned the song off.

"we were just getting to the best part!"

"you make me laugh. who wouldve known you have that whole song memorized." zach said while smiling at the idiot beside him.

"who wouldve known you downloaded the damn song."

"i have my reasons."

they arrived at jacks flat and brung the bags inside the building.

jack unlocked the door and zach dramatically sighed when dropping the two bags on the floor, "why are clothes so heavy!?"

"theyre not."

"get dressed, we dont have all-day." jack told while sitting on his couch.

"get dressed, we dont have all-day." zach mimicked under his breath.

"i heard that you nunchuck." jack yelled from the sofa.


zach took thirty minutes getting ready, but jack didnt complain as he enjoyed watching another riverdale episode.

jack stook out his legs on the loveseat and was forcefully downing a water bottle, like it would help his nerves.

while his mouth was full, cheryl and toni kissed.

jack choked on his water, spilling it everywhere and soaking himself. "I TOLD YOU IT WOULD HAPPEN!"

zach jumped and hit himself with jacks hairbrush, "what?"

jack stupidly ran to the washroom, soaking.

"wha-" "THEY KISSED!"


"no they didnt!" zach gasped while rubbing his head.

"yes! here ill rewind it to show you!"

thats how they ended up being late. jack -- being the idiot he was -- didnt check when the restaurant closed. so, they stood there stupidly, in the dark, banging on the doors.

"jack, its obviously closed."

"yeah but if i bang hard enough, maybe someone will come open the doors." jack whispered.

"dont be stupid, its alright. we can relax at your place. the night is still young."

jack sighed and looked at zach, "are you sure?"

zach smiled and nodded, "yeah."

"alright, wanna pick up mcdonalds? it would be cute right? because thats where we officially met." jack said while shyly slipping his hand into zachs.

"im up for some mcdonalds."

they got into jacks car, hand-in-hand, and drove to mcdonalds.

while they were waiting in the drive-thru, zach spoke, "you know, i still wanna discuss some stuff. im not mad at you or anything, its just you havent really opened up? i dont know."

jack smiled, "alright. now, what do you want?"

jack ordered and paid for them two, and drove back to their flat.

zach couldnt help but steal a few fries here and there.

"you better not be stealing from my fries!" jack scolded.

zach evilly smiled, "im not really paying attention to what fries im stealing."


"sorry ramen."

"you just went there."

zach plopped another fry into his mouth, "mhm."

when they arrived at his flat once again, zach rushed inside. he quickly sat on the loveseat and opened the bag of food. jack stared at zach quickly unwrapping his burger. mid-bite, zach glanced at jack.

"what? im hungry! now bring the drinks over here."

jack obeyed and sat beside the boy, putting down the tray of drinks on the coffee table.

he turned on the television and went on netflix, "what do you wanna watch?"


"are you serious?"

zach placed a hand on his heart, "i can relate to shrek in many ways, thank you very much. which is why he is my idol."

"really? what about harry and zayn?"

"shh and put on the movie."

jack shook his head, but they watched the movie anyway.

when the movie finished, they had finished their food and cuddled under a blanket.

"be my shrek." zach whispered.


"be my shrek. you know? he liked fiona even though she was different, he saved her from the castle, and when she turned into an ogre, shrek loved her even more. so, even though it sounds incredibly stupid, be my shrek."

jack smiled, "im kinda mad that im shrek, given that he is green and an ogre, but youre cute so ill let it slide."

zach shut his eyes and laid his head on jacks chest, "even though we didnt go anywhere fancy, i had the best time with you."

jack laid his head on-top of zachs, "me too."

they fell asleep together on jacks loveseat, peacefully.

fun fact: i have all of the never gonna give you up lyrics and the whole shrek script memorized. you never know when you just need to bust out the shrek monologue.

and, 1K reads. my lord. 
thank you so much!!! :))))


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