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Jack and Zach are sat awfully close on a loveseat while watching Riverdale.

"This show is so confusing." Zach confessed.

"I guess. I just like the couples." Jack shrugs.



"Who's your favorite couple?" Zach asked.

"I like Cheryl and Toni."

"But they're not even together?" Zach says while moving his eyes away from the screen to look at the curly headed boy beside him. He's surprised to see Jack already looking at him.

"They will be soon. Trust me."

"How do you know?"

"Just observe the way they look at each other. It's like saying 'I love you' without actually saying it. It's beautiful."

Zach blushes and looks down at his hands, "I guess."

They watch the show in silence, neither one of the boys noticing the sun had fallen.

Zach yawned loudly. In embarrassment, his cheeks flushed a dark red.

"Tired?" Jack asked curiously.

"Yeah. What time is it?"

Jack paused the show and grabbed his phone from on his lap, "Jesus -- It's 12:00!"

They both got up and brushed their teeth. Zach had figured out that Jack doesn't sleep in anything but his boxers; while himself on the other hand, finds it uncomfortable and chooses to wear pajama pants.

Luckily, Jack had a pair and he could steal it from him anytime he wanted. That time being right now.

Zach sighed and laid on the couch. That's where he had been sleeping. He will admit it, it's very tight and not very comfy, but it's better than a park bench. Jack supplied him with a pillow and a couple blankets.

He loved how it smelled -- exactly like Jack -- but he wouldn't admit to it out loud.

He closed his eyes and tucked himself into the blanket. He began to think. He hated thinking.

Michael and his mom hadn't bothered him since they hit him. He remembered the moment so clearly, he hated it.

"Give me my phone." Zach plead staring at Michael with hatred. He couldn't believe he used to love him. There they stood, in the middle of the horrid stalls and urinals.

"Not now, princess, your partner is very interesting. NoodlesAvery, is it?" Michael smirked, "I've just called your mom, she isn't very proud of you."

"Proud? What're you on about?"

"She isn't proud of your choice. Your choice to who you love, of course."

"It's not a choice." Zach crossed his arms.

"Oh shut up. She's coming to pick me and you up soon."

"What? Why?"

"To discuss." Michael then threw Zach's phone right at him and stormed out. Zach luckily caught his phone. He quickly typed out an apology to his partner.


"What do you want mom?" Zach angrily asked while stomping into his mother's house.

"To explain to me, why you turned this way."

"Why are you acting as if it's a disease? Grow up. And I didn't turn gay, I've known for a long time. So, get this through your thick head, I've been gay for the whole time and you didn't know! Now that you do, what has changed about me? Anything? Anything at all?"

"You do not speak to your mother like that!" His mom growls.

"You're anything but a motherly figure!" Zach spat. "Why're you hanging out with Michael? He's gay too."

"No I'm not, you twit. It was this dare by Corbyn's girlfriend, you do know him, right? Well once upon a time me and Christina were having a nice chat while Corbyn was talking with his friend, Damien, I think. Anyway, she dared me to find a loser, date them, and break their heart. Looks like I've done just that. Corbyn doesn't even know about the dare! He would've put a stop to it immediately. The end."

"I HATE YOU!" Zach screamed.

His mother and Michael didn't hesitate. They both got up and smacked him right in the jaw.

Zach's eyes began to water as he clutched onto his throbbing cheek. "You -- Y-You two are disgusting."

"Zach? Are you awake?" A light voice whispered. Zach snapped out of his terrible thoughts and opened his eyes. His eyes met with Jack's. He blushed hardly when he noticed he was only in his boxers.


"I couldn't sleep, and I t-thought we could like -- it sounds stupid -- like do you wanna, um, are you, doyouwannacometomybed?"

Zach blinked. "Well, that would be nice. It's not exactly comfy sleeping here." He spoke in a low voice.

Jack smiled to himself and walked to his room with Zach by his side. They got in his bed and Zach sighed, it was comfy.

They both laid on their backs, not speaking. He let his hand fall on the bed, landing on-top of Jack's. He was about to mutter an apology when Jack intertwined their fingers together.

His stomach exploded with butterflies and so did Jack's.

They both drifted off to a peaceful sleep; although it was a small gesture, it was Jack's whole world when Zach didn't retreat his hand.



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