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"okay, whyre you so quiet?" zach asked from the passengers seat. he thought that jack would be in a good mood because of what happened between them last night, but he showed no emotion toward him the whole car ride.

"im not quiet, im enjoying the radio." told jack in a whisper.

zach rose an eyebrow, "radio? the radios off."

jack mentally swore to himself, "oh."

zach sadly sank into the car seat, "im confused."

"of what?"

"last night we fell asleep in the same bed, held hands, and now youre not talking to me? its kinda confusing." he confessed.

jack stayed silent.

"umm, hello?"

zach was beginning to get frustrated, so he decided to text NoodlesAvery. It kind of weirded him out that his partner already knew who he was, but what could he do?



not longer than a second later, jack's phone beeped.

jack ignored it, driving while texting is something he'd rather not do.

zach -- being the annoying person he is -- thought he could spam ramen.













jack's phone erupted with beeping. zach was confused at first, but then connected the dots.

"are you ramen?" he finally asked.

jack took his eyes away from the road to look at zach, "what?"

"are you ramen?" he repeated.

jack was speechless. he couldnt speak, his throat wouldnt budge to let any sound come out.

"do you english? est-ce que tu est ramen?" (are you ramen?)

jack wouldnt speak, so zach decided to text ramen again to make sure.


tu est trés trés stupide. (you are really really stupid)

jack's phone beeped.

"wow." zach said in sudden realization, "so, youre telling me, that i told you that i like -- you, because i thought you werent you, but it actually was you?"

"um," jack finally spoke.

zach stared at the boy beside him, "how long have you known?"

jack frowned, "when i asked you your last name."

"so let me get this straight," zach sat up in his seat, "you lied to me about your last name?"

jack slightly nodded his head.

zach nervously smiled, "okay,"

"im sorry." jack said.


"not telling you sooner, lying to you, ignoring you most of the time, you -- you," jack stuttered, "you make me get these -- feelings in my stomach, butterflies? i dont know. you make me nervous at times. but i really like you zach, like, like-like you."

zach giggled, "you like-like me, eh?"

"that's all you got out of my heartfelt paragraph?" jack smiled.

"im kind of upset of you not telling me sooner, but i get you getting nervous about it. you already knew i like-liked you." zach told, "wait, whats your sexuality?"

jack scoffed and kept his eyes on the road. in a manly voice he spoke, "im straight, man!"

zach laughed, "you idiot."

"ive never really put any thought into my sexuality, ive always assumed im straight because i think girls are pretty, but i think youre pretty too! is there a sexuality where i can like two genders?"

zach smiled, "bisexual."

they arrived at a stop light and jack looked into zach's eyes, "im bisexual?"

"well, you could be pan."

"im a kitchen pan?"

"no, my lord. pansexual means you like everyone no matter what gender." zach spoke proudly.

jack processed this information, "i think im bisexual."

"you can use the term 'bi' too."

"so youre gay-gay, right?"

zach laughed, "yes jack, im gay-gay."

jack went to speak but was cut off by a car horn. he looked forward and noticed the light turned green.

"have you eaten at a restaurant lately?" jack asked.

"no, i actually never have."

jack smirked, "i can change that."

"is this your cheesy way of asking me on a date?"

"could be."

"sure, id like a date. when?" zach said in a light voice.

"how about right now?"

"are you crazy?" asked zach, "in these clothes?"

"we can go to the store to buy you clothes for our date?"

"sounds good to me."


the font has changed and i have a reason for it! you'll just have to wait to find out :)

(it'll be in the epilogue sksk)

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