Chapter 22

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Heidi looked out the window and quickly checked if the girls were back yet.

In a few minuted they would be, because M just texted her.

She walked over to the bathroom and pulled out her red hair dye kit. Heidi popped the top off and squirted some onto her palm. She lathered her hair, making sure the dye was even, and then took a deep breath.

Poor Meredith, she smiled. She didn't even know what hit her.

Heidi remembered that night clearly, and it'll always be burned onto the back of her mind.

The grease on her hair grew thick, so she rinsed, and the hair dye spread all over her scalp. She put the hair dye down and washed her hands. Her phone vibrated.

It was a text from M.

I told Daniel.

Heidi smiled. It was the first best thing today. She put the hair dye kit back in the cupboard and deleted the text. There were noises coming from the bottom floor of the Sorority House. The girls were here. They were back from that wretched farm waste-land. It's about time everything started falling into place.

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