Chapter 5

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"Congrats, Heidi Schwein. Welcome to the Sorority," Amber announced.

Vanessa felt her black dress to be too short so she adjusted it. She looked around the room, at each girl and wondered how they could look so amazing in their little black dress and matching heels. Each dress was different and represented each girl separately. Her own dress was little, following tradition, but innocent with a bit of spice.

She than looked at the new girl and wondered what the hell she was doing there. Each of the girls were exotic and beautiful-Vanessa could say different about herself, though-and Heidi was just... a creature.

Even Vanessa considered herself cuter than Heidi. Heidi was like a gremlin-little and threatening-and the other girls were beautiful princesses. They could make any guy take one glance and fall to their knees in pain. The pain being a good pain. Sort of, considering they loved the girls, but it broke their hearts knowing that not any guy could have them.

Vanessa let out an exasperated sigh, annoyed by Heidi's constant staring. In her mind, she excogitated a small plan to exile Heidi from their group. But they wouldn't listen to it. They actually liked Heidi.

Considering Meredith's shaky voice and hands and Elizabeth's hesitation, Vanessa was suddenly unsure that they liked the girl. Than why did they accept?

And why were the most popular girls in school being so nice?

Vanessa sighed once more and heard her phone go off. "My Immortal" played, indicating Eric was texting. She blushed and knew that during a sorority acceptance, she wasn't allowed to text... her whatever Eric was to her. At the moment, it seemed sort of undecided.

Vanessa was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a voice call her. Sh spun around, realizing she had some tea in her hand.

"Vanessa, right? Hey, I'm Heidi," the gremlin introduce herself. "You're so pretty!"

"Oh, umm, thanks. Nice to meet you, Heidi. And, err, welcome... to the Sorority." Vanessa shifted from left to right in her black Gucci heels.

"Thanks so much for inviting me!" If Vanessa recalled correctly, according to Analyse's and Kayla's stories, Heidi invited herself, never vice versa.

Vanessa smiled politely anyways, "Sure thing, Heidi. Umm, I have to go... powder my nose."

"Oh! Okay. I'll go with you."

"N-No! It's alright. I'm a big girl. I can handle it." Vanessa left, knowing she hated going alone to bathroom, but did so anyways. She closed the Alumni Hall's ladies' room and sighed.

Her reflection didn't seem happy and perky like usual. She felt some sort of strange feeling being in there by herself, but the senior shook off the feeling.

Senior... That meant she and the girls were going to have to choose new freshmen to be the new Sorority girls.

She reached into her Betsey Johnson bag and pulled out her makeup bag. Next came out her eye shadow. She rarely wore eye shadow, only for special occasions did the makeup touch her near flawless skin.

She frowned. Her skin could have been flawless, if it weren't for the scar on her chin and the mark under her left eye and her few moles. Again, that made her wonder.

The Sorority Girls had flawless, or near flawless, skin and Heidi had puss coming out of the pimples on her pimples on her face. Vanessa shivered at the mere thought of the sight...

Vanessa fixed her eye shadow. As she always did with her eye shadow, she only wore one color: a dark red. She fixed her charcoal eye liner, black mascara, and Maybelline lipstick, Pink and Proper.

Leaving the restroom, she thought about all the other girls that they could've invited. Yvonne, the volleyball star; Penelope, the choir's top singer; or even Rachel, the beautiful, soon-to-be valedictorian. But no: they had to invite the gremlin. The one who's annoyed the living hell out of Vanessa since the ninth grade when they had P.E. together. She would always bother the girls as they talked about the Sorority girls and how they were accepted the first day of school, as it had been in tradition. Only the prettiest of the prettiest were chosen, and it was her and her friends.

Vanessa found Meredith in the corner, sipping tea, obviously still unsure about the gremlin. Elizabeth was staring at the elf-like creature. The other girls, however, were just fine. Vanessa sighed: Maybe she was over reacting.

But that was very unlikely.


The first one to leave was always the leader.

The seniors hadn't really chosen one like they were supposed to, but instead left it up to the girls. The girls were indecisive about it, though, and never chose one.

Vanessa left anyways, but felt nothing like a leader. The leader that the alpha before her said she should be. Vanessa sighed and strutted out the door.

Knowing that if she went back home, fell asleep, than woke up, Heidi would still be there, she called Eric back.

"Vanessa?" he breathed when he picked up.

"Where's your place?"

"I have a dorm..."

"Okay. Fine. Can you pick me up?"

"From where?"

Vanessa walked to the corner after she exited the school.

"The club where we met."

"Sure thing, sweetheart. I'll be there in about ten minutes."

Vanessa smiled and walked towards the club, which wasn't at all far from the school.

Vanessa waited outside and fixed her hair. Some drunk guys were next to her, begging her to come inside. Instead she ignored them and marched away.

She leaned against the wall, where a couple ended up going to have sex. She turned her head in disgust.

Ten minutes seemed like ten hours.

The couple finished and the guy walked over to her. He looked familiar. Too familiar. Vanessa gasped when she realized that it was the one and only, Theodore Garcia.

"Hey, V," he whispered in her ear.

"Get off of me, Theo!" she growled.

"You've always been a feisty one."

"Theo. Get off of me."

"Why should I?" He started feeling her, making her gasp. Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She started pushing him away, telling him to stop and begging for help. "So beautiful..."

"Hey!" a strong, deep voice growled. "What do you think your doing to her?"

She looked up and gasped. Eric!

He took Theo and punched him once, knocking the eighteen year old down, never once looking at the boy's face. Vanessa jumped into the bartender's arm.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Anything for you."

When Vanessa looked back at Theo, she had no idea that this was just the beginning of the drama.


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