When Hank gave him a motion to continue, Connor spoke again."I heard.. Beth's voice in my head.. she told me not to shoot.. so I didn't."

Hank stared at him, waiting for the Android to continue."Amanda was very disappointed in me.. she said that if Beth caused me to hesitate again.. she'd take care of Beth..."

"And why do you care?"

"Huh..?"Connor looked confused.

"Back at the park.. you told me that you were just a machine.. designed to accomplish a task.. as you put it... If you were just a machine Connor, why would you care about my daughter..?"

"Androids are programm--"Hank cut him off. "-- Don't give me that programming bullshit, Connor. You care about her, almost like a human would."

"..."Connor looked down not saying a word.

"Are you.. a Deviant, Connor..?"The Android blinked at the police Lieutenant."No.. I'm not a Deviant..."

"You're in denial, son."Hank spoke slowly and carefully."Don't let Cyberlife control you."Connor looked at him, before one of his eyebrows raised.

"I thought you hated Androids Lieutenant.. why the sudden empathy..?" Hank looked down.

"I don't know the answer to that..." Hank said looking back up."But what I do know.. is that you like my daughter.. which I'm not completely infuriated at.. surprisingly."

"Anyways.. what I'm trying to say is that, you shouldn't allow yourself to be controlled.. you should be allowed to be free."

"But.. if I become Deviant.. Cyberlife might completely shut me down." Connor's LED, flickered between yellow and red.

"I already told you.. we won't let them." Hank responded."But.. I'd recommend staying in line for little.. if your f*cking Amanda thing is already suspicious, you shouldn't immediately set off anymore red flags."

Connor nodded."Tell Beth what you feel.. at some point, though. You can even tonight, if you want..?"Hank watched as the RK800's LED flickered to yellow before finally returning to it's normal calm blue.

"I'd like that..."Hank actually smiled at Connor before speaking again."Also, Connor..?"The Android looked at him."Protect her.. please. She is all I have left.. I couldn't bare it if anything happened to her."

"I'll protect her with my life, Lieutenant."

Hank smiled.


*Present Time*

"I..."Connor's LED flashed red for a second before returning to yellow as he spoke again."I.. just want you.. to be happy..."

Beth looked up at him through her lashes, almost seeming to glance at his lips."And.. why do you care so much about my happiness Connor..?"

"I.. I like.. you..."The blond looked up at him tilting her head.

"Like me..?"She raised an eyebrow, moving so he could walk into her house. Princess's loud yipping could be heard from the kitchen as she realized Connor was in the house.

Connor walked in, still feeling a bit nervous, and followed Beth over to the couch, after shutting and locking the door. He sat down beside her, watching as her eyelashes fluttered as she blinked.

She glanced at him, making him realize that she had been waiting for an answer."Yes.. I like.. you." Beth watched his LED for a couple seconds.

"Like me.. in what way..?"

Just a Machine(Connor X OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin