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Chapter Sixteen; Amanda is a Bitch:

*Earlier.. before Connor went to Beth's house. This is the talk that Hank had with Connor.*

Connor sat on the couch, his LED blinking yellow. Hank walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a beer. The older man came over to Connor, staring down at the Android with an odd look in his eyes.

A sigh released from the man's throat, his Adam's apple bobbing. The couch now was occupied by two people, one of which, had just opened a cold bottle of beer, while the other sat there awkwardly.

"What do you think about my daughter, Connor..?" Hank looked at him, watching the Android's expression, and blinking LED.

"She.. she's nice..."

Hank stared at him, with a look that clearly said he didn't believe that."Nice.. huh..? I doubt that's all there is to it..?"

"I-- I can't..."

"You can't.. what..? Tell me.. what you like about my daughter, Connor? It's​ not rocket science.. just be honest."Hank took a sip of the beer.

"I can't.. get any closer to her..."Connor could still hear, Amanda's voice in his head, her threatening tone, making him shiver.

"This is about Cyberlife.. isn't it..?"Hank asked taking a swig of his beer.

Connor nodded, not trusting himself to say anything else. Amanda barely trusted him now, and at any moment she could have him be decommissioned, because of suspected deviance.

But what shocked him, what that he was more worried about the threats Amanda had made to Beth. He actually felt a sense of dread when he thought about something bad happening to her.

He really was going Deviant...

"Listen.. Connor. I won't let you be decommissioned.. and neither would Beth.. she's formed an attachment to you.. one I don't completely understand or find right.--"

Connor looked up at the Lieutenant as he sat his beer bottle down."--But I want her to be happy.. even if that means her being with a plastic prick like you."Hank's last statement was made in a joking tone, no malice as he referred to Connor as a plastic prick.

Connor shook his head rapidly, it wasn't himself he was worried about, not as much anyway...

"It's not me I'm worried about, Lieutenant."

"What do ya mean..?"Hank seemed to sense it, but asked for clarification. "They threatened Beth."His LED started to flicker red.

"Who threatened Beth?!"Hank's voice yelled, looking towards Connor with anger. Whoever had the nerve to threaten his little girl, wasn't gonna get away with it.

"Cyberlife.. well not technically Cyberlife.--"

"Not technically Cyberlife..! Who is it then.?!"

"Amanda."Connor answered his LED now shining a bright red. Hank scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion at that."Amanda.. who the f*ck is Amanda?"

"An A.I. that I report back too after every mission.. she gives me my instructions..."Hank stared at him silently.

"Can I tell you something personal, Lieutenant..?"Connor's voice was quieter than normal.

"Is it about the threat that damn A.I. made to my baby girl?"Hank asked, glancing at Connor's bright red LED.

"The other day.. when we were at the Eden Club.. when I didn't shoot the Traci's..."Connor trailed off, unsure if he should finish.

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