Chapter Forty Four: Chicago

Start from the beginning

"Let's start at Nike!" Jooheon said. "I need more dance clothing."

"We can get Nike in Korea." Kihyun argued, "Let's go somewhere more exclusive."

"He's got a point." Shownu nodded.

"What about Nordstrom?"


"Michael Kors?"

"Let's flip a coin!" I suggested. "Between H&M and Nordstrom." I pulled a coin out of my pocket and flipped it. "Heads for Nordstrom, tails for H&M."

I grabbed the coin, seeing it was tails.

"H&M it is!" I announced, leading them to the shop.

The H&M was large, half of it was on one floor of the mall, the men's section at the top on the second floor. As we walked into the store, quite a few products caught my eye.

"I'm going to shop down here." I said to the guys, "But don't leave without me, okay?"

They nodded, walking off to take the escalator up to the men's section.

While they were gone, I picked out a few new shirts. 'This is nice.' I grabbed a pair of distressed jeans, a couple of cropped shirts, and other accessories. 

I needed to refresh my wardrobe while I was around these boys, they were out-doing me in fashion every single day. I started walking with my choice of clothing in hand, heading to the dressing room, when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Can you come upstairs? Someone's following us.

My eyes widened.

I dropped the clothing I was wearing, running over to the escalator. I took the stairs by stride, hurrying to find the guys.

Who knows what could possibly happen to them in a matter of minutes? I needed to find them immediately.

Some fans were absolutely insane.

I spotted the boys hiding by the dressing room. They were huddled together, obviously uncomfortable.

My eyes scanned the room before they landed on a couple girls. They were pretty close to the boys, a couple clothing racks away. The girls probably thought they were slick, pretending to be on their phones. But they were obviously following them.

I rolled my eyes.

'It's technically not a crime. But...'

I walked over to the girls, ready to get straight to the point.

They looked up at me when I approached, I guessed they were around 16 or 18. They should still know better than to follow people around.

"Hi." I put on a fake smile. "How are you doing?"

The girls seemed confused before replying, "Good?"

"Great." I replied, "I just want you to know that following people is very annoying, whether they're famous or not."

The girls were taken aback my what I said, their eyes widening. As I was getting a better look at them, I recognized the girls from the airport. They had been screaming very loudly for the boys.

So that means they followed the car all the way here!

How fucking creepy.

"W-we're not..." One of them said, glancing over at the boys.

"No point in lying to me." I sighed, "I'm the bodyguard, okay? Get lost or I'll be the one beating you asses, okay?"

I smiled at them before turning around and walking over to the boys.

Monsta X looked up when they saw me approaching, glancing over my shoulder at the girls as they left the store.

Minhyuk was visibly annoyed, some of the other boys letting out a sigh.

"I appreciate our fans." Wonho said lowly. "But following us? That's just..."

"It's okay, that's what I'm here for." I tried to cheer them up. "Go back to shopping. I have your back."

I decided to stick right by the boys so they could shop comfortably. I needed to keep an eye out in case the girls came back, or if more crazy fans showed up. If those two could follow them so easily, then maybe other fans did too?

I couldn't imagine living life as an idol.

Being followed? People shoving cameras in my face everywhere I went?

No thanks.

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