Chapter Forty Two: Amsterdam

Start from the beginning

When we took our seats, the guys gushed about the positive response they got from the fans.

"There were so many more people than last time!" Minhyuk added, "We're getting more and more Monbebes as time passes."

"They really seemed to love the music." Jooheon nodded. "I'm happy that they like it."

I was seated next to the manager, Shownu sitting on the other side of me. Changkyun, Hyungwon and Wonho had argued over who should sit next to me for a while. But Shownu cut in, taking the seat before they could.

Little did they know, he had kissed me just yesterday.

'I guess he's pretty slick after all.'

Our glasses were filled with red wine and we all ordered a prime cut of steak. Conversation went on for a while. Half way through the dinner I felt Shownu place a hand on my thigh, holding my hand underneath the table where no one could see.

I glanced over at him, watching as he preoccupied himself with eating. But I could see the side of his mouth turned up into a smile.

'He's so... sweet.'

We left early the next day to head to Amsterdam. I packed the night before and looked a mess as I tiredly ushered the guys into the car. We were going to be taking a train that would bring us straight to Amsterdam from London.

We packed all of our luggage into the car that would take us to the four hour train ride.

"Four hours." I whined as I sat in the backseat next to Shownu. He had once again slyly taken the spot from the other three who were too busy fighting over who should get to sit next to me before the manager showed up.

"We could always play a game." Minhyuk suggested.

"Like Ispy?" Jooheon laughed, "I think I'm just going to look over practice videos."

"Good idea." Shownu nodded, "I think I'll watch over the choreography."

"I'm going to sleep." Hyungwon added.

"Sleep. That's probably a good idea." I nodded. Then again, I could always watch dramas too. I had never gotten through the whole season of Boys Over Flowers.

Once we arrived at the train station, we got a team of staff members to take all of the suitcases we had. The boys were fully stocked on outfit changes and skin care, which took up quite a few bags.

The train had suites that held four people to each. The manager would be sitting in one with other people. But the boys and I would be splitting up into two groups of four.

"I think that we should sit together." Wonho said, motioning between Changkyun, Hyungwon, him and I.

"That's a disaster waiting to happen." Jooheon laughed. "You'll bicker the whole time."

"Yeah, let Jiyeon get some rest." Minhyuk suggested. "I'll sit with you guys."

That boys started to protest as Kihyun, Shownu, Jooheon and I walked to our little room.

As I expected the four hour journey was boring. Jooheon and Kihyun fell asleep almost immediately, passed out in their chairs with headphones in. I wanted to fall asleep but couldn't find the will to and watched over Shownu's shoulder as he reviewed his practice videos.

'He's so good at dancing.' I thought as I watched the video over his shoulder. It was the choreography he made up for his special stage with Jooheon, it was very impressive.

Shownu looked over his shoulder and noticed me staring.

"What?" He smiled, setting his phone down.

I shrugged, "Just... admiring your video."

He smiled and then went back to watching the choreography.

I glanced over at the two that were asleep and tapped Shownu on his shoulder. He turned to me and waited for what I had to say next. "I just..." I started saying, wondering if maybe this was a stupid question to ask, "Why haven't you told anyone that you... like me?"

Shownu smiled a bit, glancing at the two who were sound sleep before responding, "I just like to keep that stuff secret." He replied, "It's not that I'm embarrassed or anything. I just don't want to cause more drama. If I am supposed to end up with you, then I will. You know?"

I smiled at Shownu, nodding.

He had such a mature perceptive on things. It was quite refreshing. An entirely different approach from the other three that just fought over me like the reincarnations of Tom and Jerry... and Jerry.

Shownu went back to watching his videos and I fell asleep.

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