Chapter 2: Finding Your Feet

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"Connor..." You mumured. The named rolled off your tongue pleasantly.

"Yeah, Connor," Kara nodded, still gazing at the football team. "He's one of the top players on the football team. He's like a robot. He hasn't lost a game for the team once..." She smirked, watching Connor high five one of the other members of the team. You still stood there, completely awe-struck after that moment where you met his eyes. You continuously replayed the scene where he seemed to wink at you over and over again in your mind. You had never seen someone as beautiful and perfect as Connor appear in front of you. It was as if he wasn't even real. As Kara had said; just like a robot.

"Hey... earth to [F/N]," You heard Kara say. You blinked as her hand waved in front of your face. "What's gotten into you...?"

"Hey watch out!!" You heard the cry before you understood what it meant.



You felt the back of your head hit the ground, the football bounding off your forehead and tumbling away into the greenery beside you. You weakly fluttered your hand towards the area, gingerly resting it where the ball had hit.

"Ohmigosh, [F/N], are you okay?!" Kara looked down at you, as you lay on the grass, your head throbbing where the football had hit it.

"Holy crap, I am so sorry!!" You heard a boys voice. Then you heard footsteps crushing the grass to move over to you.

"Jesus Connor, way to hit on the new student." One of the other boys chuckled. "Ow!" You imagined that Kara or Connor elbowed him.

Then his face came into view above you. Those stunning chocolate brown eyes stared down at your limp form. You couldn't break your gaze on them. His eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"I'm so, so sorry... I wasn't looking," Connor muttered. "Are you okay?" You couldn't respond. His voice was just as beautiful as his face. You were swimming in thoughts traveling too fast for you to process. You had never reacted like this to anyone, let alone a complete stranger, but here you were. Way to go [F/N], falling for a boy you had just met!! You felt your cheeks flush pink at the thought.

"I think you should take her to the first aid..." You heard Kara mutter.

"Yeah, I think you're right about that."

A second later, strong arms were lifting you from your stupor, hands moving to rest your arm around his neck. Connor's lips twitched into the slightest smile.

"It's going to be okay. I'll take you to the nurses office..."

"Okay..." You murmured, trying to regain focus in your muddled mind. You began to carefully walk, Connor's strong arms and body keeping you on your feet.

"Wait Connor!! What am I supposed to tell Mr Anderson?"

"Tell him I'm skipping out again!"

"Honestly..." Kara muttered, her words sounding harsh, yet you could hear the grin in them.


As Connor supported your body, your feet began to fall into a natural rhythm beside his. You were beginning to regain the ability to think clearly, even as Connor held his arm around your waist to help you stand. You watched him now, trying to burn the image of his face into your mind. His eyes flickered to you, then flickered away; then back again.

"I really am sorry..." Connor murmured near your ear. "You're the new student, aren't you? I bet it's pretty awful to get hit by a football on your first day..."

"No... it's okay..." You replied, still feeling dizzy from the incident. "I should've been paying more attention."

"My name is Connor..." He said to you. "What's your name?"

FLIGHTLESS BIRD // Detroit Become Human High School AU |Connor x Reader x MarkusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ