"Hi Jon, ready for today?" David ask as he hand me my blue apron. I grab it and put it on.

"Ready as I'll ever be."


"What is your favorite brand of clothes?" Tyler asked as he help me remove the leaves on the strawberries while I smash them.

"Does it matter?" I asked back. I don't really choose a brand. As long as it's comfortable to wear then I'm okay with it.

"Of course it does." He answer as he finish the last strawberries to clean. I hum first as I think of a brand that I mostly have.

"I guess it's H&M." I answered. I saw his eyes widen as he gasp.

"H&M?! Are you serious? That brand is so cheap!" He insult. I roll my eyes at him.

"Atleast it's comfortable to wear."

He hum as a reply instead. There was a moment of silence until he suddenly ask something out of the blue.

"By the way, did Mini-I mean, Thompson say something to you?" He asked. Mini? Is that his nickname to him when they're young?

"Like what?" I asked back as I grabbed a plastic and we started to put the trash there.

"Like, you know, saying some nasty things about me, bad mouthing, blah blah blah." He replied. I frown and cross my arms at him.

"Craig isn't like that. He's a very nice guy and would never say something bad about you."

"He's not what you think he is." He mumble. I frown and look at him confuse. He smile and continue talking. "He's not a nice guy. He's actually a bad luck. All this time whenever he's following me around, he always finds a way to ruin my plans. He's always contrasting my decisions and turning people against me! Making me the bad guy!" He yelled the last part. The smile on his face fade and anger was now on his face.

"All that I've been doing is for the best and there he was crushing my dreams." He ended. I walk towards him and patted his shoulder.

"I think he's just doing it so that you wouldn't get yourself in danger. He's just caring for you." I reasoned out as I remember my conversation with Craig about this. He scoff and sit on the stool.

"If he really cares then he should leave me the fuck alone and mind his own business." He said. I sigh and shake my head. They have a totally different perspectives with each other.

I grab the bowl filled with fresh strawberries to be crushed and gave it to him.

"Soooo... let's finish this up?" I offer and changing the topic. He look at it at first before smiling and grabbing it in my hand.



[8:05pm (20:05)]

As always, he's waiting for me outside the cafe and looking at his watch. I run towards him and smile.

"How was your day?" He asked as he open the door for me. I enter as I lock the seatbelt around my body. He did as well before driving back to the house.

"Pretty good. As always, there's a lot of customers but today it doubled since the weather's starting to get colder than usual." I replied while tapping the window, making a soft beat.

"Hmm indeed. You should start wearing thicker clothes then." He said as he took a glance at my clothes. I look down as well and yeah, I'm only wearing a thin shirt and jeans.

"Yeah, you're right."

"This weekend, let's go start shopping winter clothes."


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