Innocent? Really?

Start from the beginning

I grab the handle and open the door, immediately my eyes land on my mother. She looks so much older than she is. She should only be 38 or 39. Her hair has grays and her eyes are dull. Until she spots me. "Ruby?"

I let go of Sapphire's hand and rush to her. "Mom." 

"Ruby oh my goodness my baby girl." I run into her arms as she holds me tightly. She's skinnier too. But still smells of cinnamon like I remember. "It's been so long Ruby. I'm so sorry. I can't believe you're here."

"No don't be sorry mom," I tell her I pull away to look at her brown-gray straight hair. "it was dad's fault anyway."

"Where is he? Was he able to make it?" She looks past me with longing only to seem disappointed.

"There's a lot of heat on him right now. It'd be too risky." She only nods sadly but smiles. "Well, at least I have you. And who's this?" She nods her head to Sapphire who is giving us space. I walk up to her and grab her hand, leading her to my mom. 

"Mom, this is Sapphire, my girlfriend."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Burns." Sapphire sticks her hand out to my mom but it's slapped away as she's pulled into a tight hug. 

"So you're the girl that's been making my daughter happy," my mom states as she smiles brightly, a smile similar to mine.

"Mhmmuph." Sapphire mumbles. I don't think she can breathe. "Mom you're gonna suffocate her. I kinda need her alive." I roll my eyes as my mom lets her go.

"Oh yeah, you're right."

Sapphire laughs awkwardly and takes a deep breath, then turns to me. "Kinda?"

"Come on sit down, I want to know everything. We have time so we won't need to rush." My mom sits in the plastic chair and Sapphire and I sit across from her. 

Sapphire adjusts her bangs in her face to cover herself again before my mom speaks up.

"So how did you two meet?"

I look at Sapphire who looks back at me. Sapphire answers. "We kinda ran into each other at school. Literally."

I smile.


"I was like the cold doesn't bother me Ruby relax. But then I sneezed so she took me to the locker rooms, helped me wash my hair and then I wore her jersey for the rest of the day. It was really sweet of her." Sapphire is telling my mom the slushie story which my mom adores.

"Ruby that was so sweet. You're such a sweetheart." She gushes at me as Sapphire giggles behind her hand. We've been here for a while, two hours maybe. I've told mom everything about home and myself and what I like. She accepts it all, sometimes surprised by my stories of the gang.

"I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you are so sweet, Ruby. I never thought you'd grow up to be a bad kid. I just knew it'd be harder for you without a mom around and having to grow up in the Temple. I thought you would've been hard and cold like your father. But here you are. So open and sweet. Even if you have shot a few people." She whispers the last part.

"Woah Mom okayyyy," I give her a look and notice Sapphire looking back and forth at us from the corner of my eye. "You need to work on your sentimental speeches. But thank you?"

My mom laughs a bit while messing with her hair. "Yeah, you're right. I'm not used to nice talk. Don't get me wrong I'm a nice person," she says more to Sapphire. "it's just, being nice around here don't keep me alive. You know?"

"Speaking of that mom. What are the important things that you wanted to talk to me and dad about?" I lean forward on the table as my mom's face falls. "Uh well. It's not good. My case is being reopened. It could go one way or another. Free in a few months or here, for another 10 years. If they dig up stuff."

"Seriously?" I yell. Sapphire jumps a little and a guard looks over at our table threateningly. I just sigh and turn my head back to my mom. "How can they 'dig up stuff' if you're innocent. They can't have anything to dig up right?" My mom stays quiet.

"Mom, you're innocent right? Always have been?" Hold up.

 "I wouldn't be sentenced for prison for 13 years just for simple drug dealing charges," she says slowly. My eyes widen.


"Your father and I didn't want to tell you. It's not something a kid should think of."

She's been lying. "Ruby please don't be mad."

Sapphire grips onto her bag in her lap and starts to get up. "Should I leave you two alone?"

"Maybe you should honey-"

"No," I cut off my mom. "Sapphire you can stay." She sits back down, nodding her head slowly, and grabs my hand softly. I look and smile honestly towards her then turn back to my mom.

"What are you really in here for?" My mom looks and me with her sad blue eyes that I never inherited. "Do you want a straight answer or the story?"

"Straight answer. We don't have much time left," I say looking at the clock.

"I was arrested for yes, drug dealing, but also making it, obtaining illegal weaponry, grand theft auto, and... involuntary murder." Hmm.

"Huh," I scoff, letting go of Sapphire's hand to lean back in the chair and cross my arms. "Of course. I'm... not even shocked."

"You aren't?"

"I knew it was too good to be true. There's no way in hell anyone could be clean while being close to dad. So who was it?" I ask coldly, I can't even look at her anymore.

She shifts in her seat as Sapphire rubs her arm. A habit she has when she's extremely uncomfortable, which is rare.

"What do you mean?" My mom looks away from my burning gaze.

"Who did you kill?"

"Ruby it was involuntary. I didn't mean too."

I give her a fiery stare again. "Who?" She sighs and looks down, tears falling down her face quietly. "It was a Diamond. They were threatening to hurt you when you were little. I-I didn't mean to hit them in the head so hard. I guess your father taught me right," she laughs dryly. I just shake my head and stand up abruptly. 

"You lied to me, mom. It's not funny. I hate being lied to, it-it makes me feel like I'm stupid or something," I tell her quietly before walking out.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Burns, it was nice to meet you. I really hope to see you again," I hear Sapphire speak from behind me. I leave the room completely and wait for Sapphire.

So. It all unravels for what it really is. I knew it was too good to be true. I knew my mom wasn't perfect and flawless like I thought she was. They lied to me. Like, of course, dad did but mom? I guess I shouldn't be that surprised. I barely know her outside of this prison. Our relationship is built out of phone calls and rare face to face visits. Who knows if what anything she tells me is true. I was dumb to think I could trust basically a stranger.

Sapphire walks out a few minutes later. "Ruby, do you wanna talk about it?" 

"What took you so long?" I ask coldly. She looks at me in the same cold manner and we end up having an angry stare down.

But unfortunately for me, Sapphire is a professional at the cold stare. 

"Ruby," she says patiently but firm. I look away and sigh in defeat as she continues. "Your mother is really sorry. She never had the intention of hurting you. She was just trying to protect you."

I start walking to the car and she follows. "Let's just go home."

She sighs and grabs my keys from my hand after we go through security again.

"I'm driving."

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