I could feel his eyes on my as I took to the ladder and made my way up towards the hatch, and I took my time with each rung while accentuating the motion of my ass. It wasn't something I did all the time, but Killian made teasing him far too much fun. Just as I climbed through the hatch and onto the upper deck, I heard him grumbling under his breath about what a 'bloody minx' I was.

"Ah, Miss Wrigh'. Good to see ya out from under all those books!" Mr. Smee greeted me with a warm smile that I returned.

"Killian insisted I take a break." Moving to stand behind the helm, I frowned at seeing that Smee was finishing up with setting out a small table and two chairs in a spot that was out of the way. "What's this for?"

"The cap'n's requested a private dinner for the two o' ya. Wants to have ya join 'im under the stars." He reached up and straightened his red cap before glancing over his work. The table had been set with a few things meant for eating, but the only food on it as of yet was a small platter of fruit.

"What's being served tonight? Not more stew, I hope." I wasn't trying to be rude, but the stew that had been served for lunch had left everyone a bit queasy. It's why Aikens was now puking over the side of the ship down below. 'Finishing the pot' is what the crew referred to the task of scraping the leavings from the stew pot and it was often left open for lost bets, dares, and drunken foolery. Poor Aikens.

"Not on my bloody life," The deep timbre of Killian's voice had me turning around to be met with the still hungry gaze of the man I loved. He'd managed to get things under control (for now), but the apples of his cheeks were still bright red from our shared passion down below. "I don't know what that shite was that Jack served, but it was most definitely *not* turtle."

Closing the distance between us, Killian wrapped me in his arms as Smee excused himself to fetch our food. "I'm afraid it'll likely be hard tack and not much else aside from the fruit." He placed a kiss to my neck. "We're running low on our stores because of how off-course the storm blew us."

"How far from port are we?" I knew that the Jolly was running low, but I hadn't realized they'd hit the point of eating hardtack and gruel. It made me feel guilty; at home, I had access to numerous grocery stores and restaurants, but there was no way for me to bring enough food for everyone aboard the ship. Not that they needed me to, or would want to trouble me with the task, they were grown men well capable of surviving on their own.

"A day, no more than two." His hand rubbed over my belly as he took a deep inhale of my hair and hummed in appreciation. "You finally used the new oils I bought you."

"Mmhmm," leaning back against him, I allowed my eyes to fall closed as we swayed with the motion of the ship. "Thank you. My hair's never been so soft." It was true. The oils that Killian had bought for me had worked wonders in taming my mass of curls and keeping away the frizzies. They smelled of roses and there was one with lavender as well, which I used at night to help me sleep.

"Dinner is served!" Smee announced his presence as he came up the narrow steps while balancing a plate in each hand. He set them down quickly and then took his leave again when Killian dismissed him.

"Well," he said as he moved to pull out my chair, "It's not gruel, but I do apologize for the poor state of things." Motioning to my plate which was made up with what resembled saltine crackers and a bit of salted meat that looked like over dried beef jerky, Killian gave me a look.

"It's okay," Instead of taking a seat right away, I went to him instead and wrapped his arms around his neck. "I don't mind it, Killian. I'm here because I *want* to be here. Not because I want to be pampered. If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me." I sealed my words with a kiss, but Killian remained silent on the matter as a he gave a small hint of a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Despite the poor excuse of a meal, we enjoyed ourselves while we ate. Killian brought out a bottle of a sweet red wine (knowing that sweet wines were my favorite) and we shared an orange for dessert. When the table had been cleaned off, we were left to our own devices as the sky turned completely dark and the remainder of the crew retired for the evening.

The evening moved into the night and Killian set our direction while taking the time to teach me how to use his sextant. It was a confusing instrument and the more he explained the more it confused me, but I was more thankful that he was patient with me. In another life, I think Killian would have made an incredible teacher. Strict, and stern, but he'd definitely be one of those that cared about his students' educations.

"Why don't you take the helm, love?" Killian stepped back and gently pulled me to stand in front of him before showing me where to place my hands.

"I have no idea what I'm doing." I allowed him to hold onto my wrist to adjust the wheel as he saw fit.

"That's quite all right, there's nothing you could do that would take us drastically off course before I catch it." It was with that statement that he pressed himself against my back and descended with an open mouth to my neck.

"K-Killian!" His stubble tickled and I squirmed against him until he popped off my flesh and growled, "Keep her steady, love."

I tried to keep the Jolly on the course that Killian had set by remembering which spokes he'd placed my hands on and keeping them steady, but it was a hell of a difficult task to stay focussed on when I could feel his hand slipping beneath my dress. The warmth of his rough palm pressed against my lower belly and he drew small circles over my flesh in a soothing pattern. I loved it when Killian held me like this, and as odd as it may have been, I love it when he rubbed my lower stomach. It was relaxing, and whenever I had cramps, it was the one sure-fire way to abate them.

Killian Jones One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now