What the heck is 'ice cream stuffing'?

"We are going to stuff our faces with ice cream till we become blue in the face," she grinned from ear to ear. I tugged on her arm, halting her in her tracks.

"But, it's.... barely 10am!"

"Well," She peered at her list on her phone, "that's what the schedule says so..."

"You created that list! Why can't we go for brunch instead?"

"That's at 11am, silly. Come on, we're falling behind time hun." She got behind and and pushed me into the store. The moment we reached the counter, Joey pulled out her credit card from her wallet and began ordering before i could object.

"Hi, can i get 2 medium pints? One will be the chocolate chip cookie dough and the other will be rocky road?.... Yes, having here" she grinned at me.

Oh fudge.


Back at the Coll's residence..

× Randall's ×

"Fuck! I can't do this shit man," Dexter, one of my buds i invited over to help me prep for Connie's birthday, tossed the glue gun onto the floor, groaning in pain, "This is the third time i burned my fingers already, dude. I don't get why we are doing this,"

Ignoring him, i pinched the corners of the white felt material together. "Glue me, muscle head." I watch him pick up the glue gun cautiously, before making his way over to my side and helping me glue the corners together.

"Stop calling me that," He glared at me as he quickly placed the glue gun down. He picked up a piece of white felt and began folding it. "I don't get why we must do this. Isn't buying roses easier than making them? Is someone tight on budget?"

"I don't mind the price. I just don't like the fact that they die. It's not permanent."

Dexter lifted his rose to my face. I picked up the glue gun and helped him glue the sides of his rose together. I then picked up a 'stem' which was made of wire wrapped up in green paper and glued them together.

"So what if it's not permanent?" He gathered all the completed roses and placed them aside.

"Giving her roses is a representation of my love for her. If it's not permanent, it's not accurate right?"

"Ugh, I'm 'bout to get diabetes." Dexter groaned.

I tosses him a roll of translucent pink paper, "Shut up and help me make a bouquet."


× Connie's ×

Time's now 3.05pm and can i just say? Joey is fucking mad.

First, we ate a pint of ice cream. An hour later, she dragged me over to our favourite dimsum place, DingTaiFung, for brunch where we had 2 servings of Xiao Long Baos (servings is usually 24 pieces in my country). At 12.30pm, we went to this korean barbeque place where we ate for another 2 hours.

By the time we were done, i could barely move an inch. My stomach was filled to the brim. I figured Joey was also feeling the same, maybe a bit worse due to the amount of money she had already burnt.

Before you say I'm taking advantage or what not, she wouldn't let me pay today. She threw my wallet in the car. I couldn't pay even if i wanted to.

We sat down on the bench to rest for a good 30mins. After that, we had to rush off to our next destination, all thanks to the 'schedule'.

Thank god, we aren't eating anymore, but we are at..... Triumph?

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