Chapter 29

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The white light comes closer and Gabriel pulls the creature off of me and his blue eyes widen at the horrific sight of the doll.

He snaps himself out of shock and pulls out the bat.

However, just as he is about to swing it, his phone turns off...

Oh my God.

It's completely blacked out. I hear what seems to be violent thumps and shuffling along the old, wood, floor.

The noise comes to a stop.

"Gabriel, where are you? Are you okay?" I shakily call, the eerieness of the silence creeping me out.

The harsh shuffling then continues.

"Gabe!" I called again as I start to feel around my surroundings. I needed to hurry and find the exit.

Suddenly, I hear a loud, gruesome scratch sounding from my left side. "Agh! Damnit!" Gabe yells.

"Gabriel! What happened?" I yelled for him until I feel a hand grab mine and pull it forward.

I screamed in fear and tried to break away quickly. "Jacqueline, stop! It's me." I hear a familiar voice say.

"Oh thank gosh I was so sc-" I sighed in relief. "It's still alive, we have to hurry and get outta here." Gabe interrupts.

"What! Where is it?" I turned around to look for it, but of course it's so dark so there's no luck in seeing anything.

"Not sure." He replied. "I kicked it into a wall I think. That damn thing is still going to be alive. "

"How can you see where the way out is?" I ask as he leads us. "I remembered where we were standing before my light went out. We weren't too far from the exit." He quickly answers.

I stay quiet until Gabe finally finds the stairs that lead back out of the attic. I felt as it was light shining at the end of a dark tunnel. A feeling of relief came upon me. Now that the staircase was fully opened, a dim light was shining on us from downstairs.

"C'mon." He jumps on the first step and turns to help me out.

I begin to step down until I feel myself being powerfully thrown back. My back harshly hitting the wood floor with a loud thud. The creature was yanking me by my shirt as I was being dragged further into that dark, dreadful attic.

"No!" I heard Gabe yell from the stairs. "Let go of me!" I screamed as I constantly swung my arms above my head in order to reach the monster.

Gabe quickly ran to me and threw himself on the large 5'6 doll, instantly punching it's wicked face.

I felt drops of liquid fall onto my forehead and cheeks. I decided to ignore it since I couldn't really see what it was anyways.

I stood up and grabbed Gabe's shoulder. "Forget it, we need to get out now!" I stopped and pulled him away from what I could see, a severly beaten body of a demonic doll.

Gabe took charge and started to run for the exit with me again.

We reached the fully lighted part of the old staircase when I decided to turn around one last time.

There, laying in the darkest part of the attic, was the creature. It was lying face up. I noticed the newly broken, black, eye socket located on the right side. It had large crack starting from the middle of it all the way up to the end of it's scratched up forehead.

It's once, bright yellow dress was fully covered in dust and blood.

Wait.. blood?

My eyes roamed back up to the doll's face and noticed something..

DementedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora