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Chan's POV

Steam hits my face, the mirror becoming clouded as I step from behind the shower curtain. The water runs down my body a towel soaking it up before the droplets pool on the ground. Laughter floods in from under the door, echoing around the room. It's laughter of many people combined, they are probably just watching a comedy or something.

I wonder if Minho likes comedies or if he's more of a horror movie guy.

I hate horror movies. So I really hope he prefers comedies, I wouldn't want to be clinging onto him while watching a movie. Hmm. Maybe he wouldn't mind that.

Just as long as I'm close to him I'd watch any movie he wanted.

Wait. What am I thinking? It's not like I'll ever see him.

Completely drying off I throw on random sweats and a t-shirt I found in the closet. The curls of my natural hair falls infront of my eyes. Water drips down the curve of my nose onto the clothes wrapped around me. Yawns upon yawns dance with the laughter in the air as the bathroom door opens.

Woojin pulls me aside, a worried look in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks, my face contorts, confusion manifesting on the pale skin. Woojin tightly grips my shoulders, shaking me slightly trying to pull me from my confusion. The phone in the pocket of my sweat pants fall onto the floor with a crash. But dizziness hits my body, the world around becoming blurry so I have no time to react or think about the fact my phone is on the dirty ground.

"Woah, woah. Please calm down. What's going on hyung?" I speak grabbing hold on my head, eyes closing to get the dizziness to pass. A small chuckle could be heard behind me. A loud stomp and running footsteps drag my attention from my head to the owner of such.

Eyes, sore from the sudden opening, fall to the spot in which my phone fell. It's not there. Woojin is no longer an arms reach away. No laughter fills the air and the loud foot steps stop.

What is going on?

Then everything clicks


"Watch your language," Woojin says walking out of the kitchen, placing a small slap against my forehead before going to sit down. "My job's done, time to eat my chicken," he mutters under his breath.

With a loud humph I run after the others, I pass by Changbin's room. He's working on something, writing down things in a notebook. Maybe song lyrics? Dates? I don't know, I need to stay focused. Reaching my room I knock for the door is locked.


"Hyung!" Hyunjin calls through the door, his voice sounds off. Kind of like he's stiffingly a laugh. "What do you want?"

"JINNIE OPEN THIS DOOR. RIGHT NOW!" My teeth clench together, mumbles come from within the room. A clicking resounding signaling the unlocking and opening of the white door. I barge in the door swinging open at my weight against it. I trip over pillows purposely placed on the ground. My curls fall in front of my eyes once again, leaving me practically blind. The only color I see is orange.

I catch a glance of Jisung's fluffy faded orange hair running out of the door. His loud laughs falling from his lips as he runs. Hyunjin doubles over in laughter , the phone falling from his hands, screen still lit up from their plan. Our eyes meet, quickly I lunge forward grabbing the technology. The younger boy scrambles out of the room, following carrot top.

"Woojinnie hyung. Please make sure Chan hyung doesn't kill us," Jisung's voice comes out in whines.

What did they do?

What could they have possibly done?


A notification pops up onto the screen. From Bundle boy. My heart slightly warms, the worries that were caused by the youngers melting away slightly.

Only slightly.

Notification- Bundleboy sent you a message 11:09 P.M.

Oooo did channie finally
admit it to himself?

Does that mean i turned
you gay? I knew it ;) my beautiful gay ass can turn the most panicked of straights gay ;)

Sorry to disappoint
but you arent my type.
Im sorry hyung.
Maybe next time bby ;)

What are you talking about?
You are scaring me. What happened?



Verygaychan has left the chat


I don't get what's going on

Lee doesn't know
Sent- 11:12


Okay this was so bad. And I'm so so very sorry. I haven't written this story in forever and I came back with this awful chapter. ;-; I feel so bad I'm sorry. I just really wanted to update for you guys......

I will try to update soon. School is so much work, I honestly didn't expect so much work but oh well. I'm dealing with it, and it's becoming more manageable. So maybe 2 updates a month if I'm lucky?

I still feel so bad for this sucky chapter ;-;

I'm sorry.

I hope you all are having a great day/night/evening/etc. Please remember to eat, stay hydrated and smile! I love you all and appreciate everything you guys comment! And appreciate every vote and view. Thank you guys.

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