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Notification- Bundleboy changed your nickname 3:20 A.M.

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Bundleboy has changed your nickname to "bby ;)"

bby ;):
Min FuCKiNG HoE hsggudpj

bby ;):
HoE Wtf hfajjog

You changed your nickname to "Notgaychan" 

whatever you say
pastel yellow bud

So what are you interested in? Tell me about yourself

you know other than
denying your sexuality,
oh and not sleeping

The not sleeping isn't my fault

well, music in general. I produce, write, sing, rap, dance, etc. Umm, Pastel Yellow is my favorite color, I'm in a rap group with my best friends. I like to draw, pretty much me in a nutshell.


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(A//N. Ignore Minho's cute ass smile in the corner, but I love this picture of Chan so I couldn't not)

Here's me again if you forgot, but who could forget such a beautiful face?

What about you pretty boy?

there's not much to me. I dance in a dance group, I like to rap and sing. Pastel Yellow is my favorite color as well heh, I love laughing and hanging out with friends. Bundles are my life if you didn't know. And that's all you need to know bby ;)

I'm also gay...
Like you...

ignoring the last comment. are you going to send a picture now? or like? 
Seen- 3:39 A.M.

wow just leave me on seen mate. I see how it is.
Seen- 3:45 A.M.

mate, you trigger me
Seen- 3:52 A.M.

I'm sure you really are a pretty boy|||

I'm sure you really are|||


okay... Well,
goodnight mystery boy.

pastel yellow bud. 

Notgaychan left the chat

Chan's POV

"Hyung you are such a panicked gay, shit," Jisung chuckles into my ear, my face turning a slight hue of pink when I realized he read everything. Even the message I didn't send.

"Watch the language squirrel, you're still a minor." A loud thump could be heard from the bed behind me. Looking at the two arguing boys I see Changbin glaring back as the younger who is clenching his forehead. I just laugh at the two boys, laying my head back on the flat pillows with a huff.

"Binnie and Sungie, don't you have school tomorrow. Or should I say today?" Woojin says living up to his role of the mom of the group. Changbin shuffles off to his and Hyunjin's room next door, Jisung just laughs and flops on his bunk. We live in the same apartment and help pay for rent. As Woojin and I have already graduated, Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jisung have school.

This mystery boy is really something, huh? He's such a hoe like geez, but it's cute. Oof no, miss me with that gay shit. "Why won't he just send me a picture, like is that too much to ask?" I accidentally voice aloud, immediately covering my mouth as Jisung and Woojin laugh at me.

"Does someone have a crush? Uwu cute."

"Does Channie hyung like the pastel yellow dude who kept asking about bundles??"

I cover my face with the pillow, vocalizing a frustrated scream that shakes the walls around us. They shut up, I hear blankets shuffle and the lights click off. Snores fill the room, echoing off the grey walls covered in posters and random notes.

Goodnight bundleboy. Maybe one day we'll meet. One day.


A//N. This is cringy, how is anyone enjoying this??

Like this book has 300 reads already. hfhskhfu how? Thank you all so much though, ahh I love you all. This makes me happy.

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