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Autho's note: GUYS. A whole bunch of people have been asking for this story and I do in fact have a lot of ideas so I'm back after a year and a half with... filler. Yup. It's filler.

After Laxus had left Freed in the forest, the day was pretty normal. Then came a pretty normal week. A normal month passed. Snow started falling. Winter break arrived.

As it does every year, Christmas rolled around, and that brought back memories. Mostly for Laxus, since Natsu had been so young, but it naturally affected both of them. Laxus was sleeping even worse than usual, kept up by nightmares, spending nights abusing the neighbours' Wi-Fi and the days drinking free-for-employees coffee at work. Natsu would often wake up crying and Laxus would hold him as he went back to sleep, silently wishing someone would hold him too.

They couldn't afford presents for Christmas, either, but that was nothing new. Laxus got a mug from work; Natsu got a glittery christmas card from Lisanna and a jigsaw puzzle from Lucy.

Natsu would sit on the floor piecing the puzzle together, over and over to make time pass. There were only a couple hundred pieces, but seeing the picture of a cat come to life was enough to entertain Natsu for the rest of the break.

When school had started again and everything was back to normal, Laxus got a phone call from Natsu's teacher, Yukino.

"Laxus, you need to take your brother to a therapist. He's badly traumatized. He even gets panic attacks in class sometimes. I don't know what to do."

Laxus sighed. "We can't afford it."

"The school can help. We have a psychologist here sometimes, when we feel it's needed. Do you want me to sign Natsu up for that?"

"How often?"

"Once a month is the usual, sometimes more often if it's needed."

"And it will cost how much?"

"Nothing for you. Maybe a small entrance fee, I can't remember. The rest is paid by the school, and since we're a public school, it will technically be tax payers' money."

Laxus couldn't believe what he was hearing. He stood still with his mouth open, trying to find appropriate words. "Thank you, Miss Yukino," he said as composed as he could manage, "I assume you'll be keeping me informed?"

"Of course. Have a nice day."

Natsu's first session with the psychologist didn't exactly go as planned. The call he got from Yukino the next day was unpleasant to say the least. He had to force Natsu to go there again.

After the second session, however, Laxus was more hopeful. The snow was melting; the first couple of flowers were beginning to bloom. The winter was passing and so were the worst of the flashbacks. After three sessions, Natsu was sleeping notably better, and Laxus was very grateful that Natsu got the help he couldn't get as a child.

Laxus wanted to give Natsu everything. He kept working as often as he could, no longer leaving time for hanging out with friends or girls. However, one spring evening at the Thunder God Thai, when Laxus was just standing at the counter feeling time pass by, Sting and Rogue entered the room.

"Laxus!" Sting was as loud as ever. "You can't keep avoiding us forever, it's rude you know? Barely awake in class and then you just leave, when was the last time we hung out?"

"You know I have to work, Sting. Besides, I figured you two had company enough in each other. Wouldn't I just get in the way?"

Rogue glared at him. "This isn't about us. It's about you. It's not healthy working so much, you need to get out sometimes and enjoy yourself."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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