Winners Notice

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Hi, Latty here --- head of Latty's Random Magazine.

In association with The Psychedelic Awards, all winners are rewarded with different features of the monthly updated magazine.

First place winners are entitled to a full month feature, which includes: An Interview, Promotion, and shoutOut on all SOCIAL MEDIA platforms.

The second place winners get a spot in Latty's Pick feature, where your winning stories will be added as the books of the month.

The third place winners get a shoutout in the ShoutOut segment.

The first half of the winners were already contacted for the September Feature. Only a few responded, already wrapped up their interview. The others who I'm still waiting on, please, you have until Monday, August 27th to respond. Failure to respond, means you lose out on your spot. And I will not compromise for anyone.

A few second place winner could not be found, therefore, I upped the third place winner --- giving them a spot in Latty's Pick instead of a ShoutOut.
The remaining winners will be contacted anytime between September 1st to the 5th for their feature in October.

For further details, you can contact me at Latty_TheWriter or

Thank you, have a great day!

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