Science Fiction Entries accepted

138 11 8

❌1. Title: Bachelor King Beginning of Pangs of Distress

Author: Eduardo Lopez ( SpinyKyverna )

❌ 2. Title: Truthspeaker

Author: Somnomnom

❌3. Title: Ran Shaipur

Author: tlryder

❌4. Title: Bittermoon

Author: jigamaree

❌ 5. Title: The Lesser One Percent

Author: TheInvisibleFreak

❌6. Title: Loving the Towers


❌7. Title: On A Strange New World.

Author: HillbillieNolan

❌8. Title: Cross Roads: The Monsters Among Us

Author: btinovels

❌9. Title: Sound-wave

Author: Redtrack

❌10. Title: A Time of Turmoil

Author: sks211

❌11. Title: REVOLUTION: A Rebel Among Monsters

Author: StephRose1201

❌12. Title: Definition Humane

Author: Pinkroseutena 

❌13. Title: Family Ties

Author: Crazynumnums13

❌14. Title: Rain Everest Chronicles 2

Author: KPhoenix7

❌15. Title: The Day


❌Entry has been judged & Scored

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