Fanfiction Entries Accepted [FULL]

183 11 4

❌1. Title: Silence is the New Riddle

Author: Prima_Voltera

❌2. Title: The Fall of the Jedi

Author: redonthehead13

❌3. Title: Pilot Dreams

Author: Snowxueqi

❌4. Title: Hukiru Dojo

Author: boredBRAIXEN

❌5. Title: Somewhere between heaven and hell

Author: Halevetica

❌6. Title: Deadly Sins

Author: DakotaForsyth

[ELIMINATED]7. Title: Harmony

Author: SaiyamKhaneja

❌8. Title: Nothing To Fear ...

Author: Starelf555

❌9. Title: Falling for a mudblood

Author: The_Dweeb

❌10. Title: JohnLock: The Prince and His Personal Guardian

Author: CarrieGChandler

❌11. Title: The First Born

Author: AryaGrimm

❌12. Title: Innocent

Author: SmallBengaliWriter

[ELIMINATED]13. Title: Rey x Ben

Author: Jedi_of_Hyrule

❌14. Title: Alianore


❌15. Title: Taken

Author: mwo100

❌16. Title: The Great Crossover

Author: Hunter_Yonk

❌17. Title: The Slytherin Princess

Author: CocoS_14

❌18. Title: League High

Author: typicalcazandra

❌19. Title: DARK LOVE

Author: AnishaMeena

❌20. Title: Silver Darkness

Author: Witto150

[ELIMINATED]21. Title: RAINE (due to glitch 3 entries were received at the same time)

Author: Miss_Lateefah 

❌Entry has been judged & Scored

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